Seeking Safety and Peace

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo 


Finally, some coverage here, I can check in with my twitter buddies. I miss connecting. Seems we’ve been moving forever. Unsettling. If you aren’t used to it. And to be safe we’ve been learning to be hyper-alert, stay packed, be willing to eat from McDonalds (AAAAK!) 

I feel like I’m in China with the constant minders minding me. Or North Korea. Ah, I guess it could be worse. My stalker could have found and killed me already. I’m still alive so far. Just running. And staying safe. 

If and when I reach a safe place to stay I want to go into deep practice and stay there. My mind is affected by the trauma and danger, so I need to heal. Deeply. I’ve no strength at all, and must get my strength back. 

I have an RV which would have made all this so much easier! But it is a big target. 

As you know by now I’m not safe as the judge dismissed the case, US vs Cassidy. Even though he has a felony record and is known to be violent, especially with women. He’s an arsonist too.Therefore I have turned to victim’s advocates and others for help. There is help for women. But it is hard to find. 

I pray for a successful appeal and outcome. What a beautiful day for women. One more step toward respect and safety, toward being heard. Successful women should not be punished for what we do. We should be commended for our contributions, and be allowed the safe passage through our lives in peace!I want to say as well, that I believe in a Woman’s power to change the world. We can do it.


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1 thought on “Seeking Safety and Peace”

  1. Be safe, Precious One!
    Women need you. Men need you. The entire planet needs you. Please continue to benefit all beings with your every breath.

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