Samantabhadra Sings: From “The Magic Dance” by Thinley Norbu

The following is respectfully quoted from “The Magic Dance” by Thinley Norbu Rinpoche:

This is why Samantabhadra sings:
Oh wonderful Dharma, the exquisite secret essence of all perfect Buddhas,
All born from unborn, and in being born there is no more born.

Oh wonderful Dharma, the exquisite secret essence of all perfect Buddhas,
All ceasing from unceasing, and in ceasing there is no more ceasing.

Oh wonderful Dharma, the exquisite secret essence of all perfect Buddhas,
All existing from not existing, and in existing there is no more existing.

Oh wonderful Dharma, the exquisite secret essence of all perfect Buddhas,
All coming and going from not coming and going,
and in coming and going there is not more coming and going.

My Best Wisdom Teacher: from “The Magic Dance” by Thinley Norbu Rinpoche

The following is respectfully quoted from “The Magic Dance” by Thinley Norbu Rinpoche:
I bow to my own Wisdom Mind,
which is my best wisdom teacher,
the source of all visible and invisible qualities.
Sentient beings are always in time and place.
If sentient beings are in time,
my wisdom teacher dances magically in time.
If sentient beings are in place,
my wisdom teacher dances magically in place.
If really examined, you never remain anywhere.
You are only display.
To whatever never remains,
to you, my best wisdom teacher, I bow.

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