Astrology for 5/7/2024

5/7/2024 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Harmony of the spheres

With the Sun and Moon conjunct in Taurus it’s a time for reflection, review in preparation for beginning a new cycle of activity. Taurus is ruled by Venus and there is a real commitment to harmony and peace, through practical acts. On another front you have a real opportunity, with Chiron conjunct Mercury to move into a more beneficial way of thinking that is more self-honest.

The nature of mind is always beautiful, clear and peaceful, – it never changes, regardless of the sufferings we may be going through. This is the true gift of dharma.~James Low

Astrology for 5/6/2024

5/6/2024 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: Holding Pattern

With the Moon Void of Course for much of the day life is in a holding pattern, meaning that small is beautiful, as only small movements forward gain much traction. Having said that, with the Moon, Mercury and Mars all in the forward motion sign of Aries progress can be made. Taking care of the details of your health are also important. There is kick-start to the day once the Moon moves into Taurus bringing more stability into your daily routine and emotional responses to situations.

How do you cultivate compassion? The first step is to open your eyes and look at the nature of suffering.In our culture, we keep ourselves removed from this.~Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo

The Moon is Void of Course today between EDT USA 1.57am until 5:42pm. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts during this time. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Sunday 5/5/24 by Miranda

Theme:  Energy on Steroids

The moon has moved into Aries giving you a big boost in energy and vitality. The Moon is also conjunct Mars, the planetary ruler which is like a double whammy. Aries fire will spark creative energy with dynamic intensity. There should be some lively interchanges with people. The main drawback being impatience and over assertiveness. There is a tendency to feel overconfident and begin boasting. But if you need to get things done, old projects completed, this is your day.

“  High energy does not necessarily mean fast, high energy has to do with the heart.”
Lou Reed

Saturday 5/4/24 by Miranda

Theme:  Equanimity
Moon and Neptune conjunct in Pisces brings a heightened sensitivity to surroundings plus empathy to others. This is a time of mutual support amongst friends. Group activity will benefit everyone involved equally.
There will be little to spoil the day, except a slight possibility of confusion due to miscommunication. It’s important to really listen to others to avoid any misunderstanding.

“ It takes two to speak the truth: one to speak and another to hear.”
Henry Thoreau

Friday 5/3/24 by Miranda

Theme:  The Writers Club

Today, like the last several weeks, all planets except Pluto, are in 3 signs only: Pisces, Aries and Taurus. This in a large part has been the cause of the intensity we have experienced personally and externally. Most of the conjunctions are moving apart so we should start to notice a lessening of the intensity.
Mercury and the North Node is one of these conjunctions, which is helpful for writing and journaling. Over the last couple of weeks you may have had writer’s block, but Mercury is now direct and creative juices should be flowing. Venus is still in Taurus stimulating creativity in the Arts.
Channeling our thoughts and energies through creative mediums can be very beneficial to share with others now.

“ Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking what no-one else ever thought.”
Albert Einstein

Astrology for 5/2/2024

5/2/2024 Thursday by Wangmo

Theme: Strengthening

As Mars pulls away from Neptune your sense of self is more solidified and your boundaries are clearer – which is good for individual physical energy but has challenges when it comes to choosing between self-interest and the greater good. Nevertheless physical health is also important in being able to help others. The Sun in Taurus reminds us that self-care can also increase a sense of security.

It is the ego that wants to punish and criticize; it actually thrives on such activities! The best, most reliable medicine for this disease of mind stuck in ‘ego-made’ is simply to relax. That’s it.~Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche

The Moon is Void of Course today between EDT USA 5.28am until 2:52pm. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts during this time. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 5/1/2024

5/1/2024 Wednesday by Wangmo

Theme: Warrior energy

Mars has moved into Aries bringing a firebrand into play, but also energy that enables you to strengthen and move forward, as long as you don’t stir up battles along the way, depleting your gains. With the Moon square the Sun today there is some feeling of dissonance, which is reinforced by a feeling of separation as the Moon squares Uranus. The antidote is finding a place or space where you feel interconnected.

Diversity in counsel, unity in command.~Cyrus the Great

Astrology for 4/30/2024

4/30/2024 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Intensity

Today the Moon conjuncts Pluto which embodies the Great Mother. So it’s a bit of a doozy but also, as with all challenging aspects, an opportunity. The opportunity with this aspect lies in letting go attachment and deep habitual patterns in order to be of more benefit to others. In other words it asks how can we be of fearless service in the world? The square Pluto also makes to Venus focuses our attention on how we relate to others. What is our hidden agenda in relationships? Venus shines a light in this shadowy area of our lives.

Train the body and develop stamina and endurance. But the spirit of competition and power that presides over them is not good, it reflects a distorted vision of life.~Taisen Deshimaru

The Moon is Void of Course today between EDT USA 11.19am until 11:20am. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts during this time. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 4/29/2024

4/29/2024 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: Calming relationships

With Venus moving into Taurus expect relationships to be a little smoother and solid, notwithstanding a certain stubborn quality that comes with all things Taurus. Flexibility isn’t associated with Taurus, but resilience is. Pluto squaring Venus reinforces the need for inner strength in dealing with challenges. The Moon in Capricorn conjunct Ceres reminds us that we are all connected and that when we give, we receive.

We all have Buddha nature. No one is better than anyone. Emptiness is the great equanimity.~Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche

Sunday 4/28/24 by Miranda

Theme:  Gently Delving

Sun and Moon are in a gentle aspect that brings inner peace, stability and balance. The Sun moves away from Pluto’s challenge of inner transformation that has brought some insight into what needs to be transformed. Pluto is slow moving; often what is buried within our minds takes time to emerge but occasionally we get glimpses. Pluto gives us persistence and dogged determination to never give up, while the Moon moving into Capricorn aids research by providing emotional control as we peer into our subconscious.

“  Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”  Aristotle

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