
3/3/2010    Wednesday

Major inspiration comes today.  You know what you need to do and how to do it.  A sudden romantic infatuation can appear and you feel kindly toward the world.  All it takes is love to view the world through the eyes of love.  A new member could join a group and electrify everyone with thrilling and forward thinking ideas.  The proverbial breath of fresh air blows into your life, bringing new energy to projects.  Oddly you’re still having a bit of trouble getting together the energy to do things for yourself.  You’ll do anything for anyone, but it’s hard to get motivated for you!  Your time will come if you wait.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


3/2/2010    Tuesday

A serious situation appears early in the day, or else you may have a nightmare or negative premonition during the night that puts you out of sorts.  Today it’s hard to make up your mind, you feel indecisive and uncertain.  Be aware that you may not have enough information to make a reasonable decision regarding the issue.  Avoid the temptation to discuss your indecision with everyone you meet, and especially avoid asking others for advice.  This will only cause you more indecision and move you farther away from your own inner wisdom.  Wait, sit tight, and enjoy the happiness that is in the environment.  Answers will come in time.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


3/1/2010    Monday

A situation requiring utmost diplomacy presents itself.  The one being critiqued is extremely kind and loving so tread gently.  Abrupt or cold words will need to be recanted tomorrow, so why not refrain from using them today? No harm, no foul! One lone person could be standing up to a group of like thinkers, and if that person is you do not back down.  Your points have merit.  State your position and show that you are aware of the merits of the other side. An issue from last fall is slowly, slowly starting to resolve.  It will take time but when the change comes you will move forward immediately.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

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