Astrology for 10/25/2018

10/25/2018 Thursday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Spiritual Solutions

Emotions are stabilized in the sign of Taurus, and there is much potential to intuit deeply. With today’s sensitivity can you bring compassion to those who need it? Disruptive surprises continue for several more days. Take advantage of alone time to pray, meditate, or just recharge. We need to begin to stabilize the mind by sensing the difference between our nature and our conceptualizations-…~Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

Astrology for 10/24/2018

10/24/2018 Wednesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Trying to break free

Today, emotionally, you wish to be free of constraints but the reality is different. Separation may not be the answer. The search for deep answers continues. For the next week there is a sense of optimism in spite of the challenges and the constraints you are working within. There is also a tendency to think big and expand your horizons. Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.~Maya Angelou

Today the Moon is Void of Course from 2.19 pm ESDT USA yesterday until 10.34 am today. If you’re in another country check what that means for you time-wise. It’s best to avoid making major decisions or signing contracts during this time.

Astrology for 10/23/2018

10/23/2018 Tuesday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Passion despite challenges

Happy birthday, this month long period to all Scorpios. The Sun has now joined 3 planets in this sign. Through the end of October, this is the time to probe, investigate and get the deepest answers possible. Passion is a hallmark of Scorpio energy and and the challenge at this time is to temper passion with discretion. Patience has never been more needed than now . The old, the new, and the unexpected are all challenging for the next few days. It helps to remember that our practice is not about accomplishing anything— not about winning or losing—but ceasing to struggle and relaxing as it is.~Pema Chodron

Today the Moon is Void of Course from 2.19 pm ESDT USA until 10.34 am the next day. If you’re in another country check what that means for you time-wise. It’s best to avoid making major decisions or signing contracts during this time.

Increase Your Capacity To Love

An excerpt from a teaching called Dharma and the Western Mind by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

Having taught Westerners I can see that the ones that last on this path, the ones that change and gentle and deepen in their practice are the ones that are motivated by this intensity of loving.  The ones that will do almost anything to end suffering, these are the ones that make it.  These are the ones that I have hopes for.

It is a Buddhist tradition that we should pray for the ones who have hopes of us because we have many karmic connections. Each one of us have karmic connections, it’s just like a giant web of connections, and some day each one of us will attain supreme enlightenment just as Lord Buddha did.  Surely we will, because our nature is the same as his.  We are the same and we will some day become awakened to that nature.  And on that day, those with whom we have connections, those who have hopes of us, will rejoice because at last they have a chance.  You should think right now there are those who are waiting for you, whose future it is, whose karma it is that when you achieve supreme realization they will depend on you as your disciples and you will be their teacher. You will be the one by which the door to liberation is opened for them.

Some day you will be reborn as a teacher that opens the door of Dharma, or makes the path available and you will be the cause of the end of their suffering.  You should think about them every day.  You should pray for those who have hopes of you.  It is a very important thing to think about and in teaching Westerners I find that they must remember this.

Even if all of the concepts associated with the Buddha Dharma are difficult, even if the idea of devotion is difficult, even if the idea of doing prostrations is difficult because we are unfamiliar with these things, we can do anything in order to benefit beings.  We can accustom ourselves to any idea in order to benefit beings.  Once your mind has been gentled and softened by that kind of loving you can begin to understand that the most important thing is to eliminate suffering.  You can understand also that the idea of doing what is unfamiliar to you – repetition of mantra, practice of different kinds, meditation of different kinds, sitting for a very long time, doing prostrations, developing a relationship with the guru, these things, that are not common in our Western society, become acceptable because we can see that they bear fruit and gentle our minds.  They increase our capacity for loving and they bring us closer to enlightenment.  Then we can do it.

©Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

Astrology for 10/22/2018

10/22/2018 Monday

Theme: Fiery energy within limits

The Moon moves into Aries today so there is a burst of emotional energy’can do’ energy and but it is hampered by the constraining energy of the planet Saturn. Activity of all kinds are helpful in dealing with feelings of isolation, loneliness and past emotional wounds. Friendships are especially important at this time of change. There are no strangers here; only friends you haven’t yet met.~William Butler Yeats

Today the Moon is Void of Course EDST USA until 2.59 am. If you’re in another country check what that means for you time-wise. It’s best to avoid making major decisions or signing contracts during this time.

Astrology for 10/21/2018

10/21/2018 Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Generosity and healing lessons

There is a good balance today in relationships and nurturing of yourself and others. There is an opportunity to make adjustments in your spiritual pursuits by acknowledging what’s lacking. For the next few days there is a realignment of your purpose and direction due to resolving inner tension. A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.~Franklin D. Roosevelt

Today the Moon is Void of Course from 7.48 pm EST USA until 2.59 am the next day. If you’re in another country check what that means for you time-wise. It’s best to avoid making major decisions or signing contracts during this time.

Astrology for 10/20/2018

10/23/2018 Saturday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: The unexpected

With the planet of unpredictable and sudden changes in opposition to two main planets the next week will be filled with surprises. Is your mind flexible enough to handle it? There is encouraging energy to face your fears and deepen emotionally, and balance your life as best you can. A good analogy is like standing on a see saw. For today there is much spiritual potential but one can also get lost into fantasy and escapism. To expect the unexpected shows a thoroughly modern intellect.~Oscar Wilde

Astrology for 10/19/2018

10/19/2018 Friday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Beware Fudge Sundaes!

Today you will have too much of a good thing and regret it. And yet overall there is a nice harmony to the day as your purpose and your emotions align. You still have to watch your mouth and choose words wisely. Having said that fireworks can still happen. Diplomacy helps. I wasn’t going to eat it, I was just going to taste it.~Winnie the Pooh

Today the Moon is Void of Course from 8.28 am EST USA until 4.22 pm. If you’re in another country check what that means for you time-wise. It’s best to avoid making major decisions or signing contracts during this time.


Astrology for 10/18/2018

10/18/2018 Thursday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Take yourself in-hand

Sparks may fly in conversations today. So it’s a good opportunity to identify your role in this. At the same time there is an ability to draw on spiritual nourishment that speaks to your place in a larger universe. This helps you in dealing with current unpredictability in relationships. No one can get rid of desire, get rid of pride, or get rid of anger if there is not enough stability and spaciousness to look at what is in one’s mind, to see how we are acting and to see what it is going to bring about.~Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo


Right Speech

An excerpt from a teaching called The Eightfold Path by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

Right speech is the first principal of ethical conduct on the Eightfold Path.  And on the Eightfold Path is really based on ethical conduct.  It’s one of the things that I like best about Buddhism.  It isn’t based on a pie-in-the-sky idea. You have to work it.  People who are recovering alcoholics will recognize that saying about the 12-step program, “It works if you work it.”  Right?  And the Eightfold Path is exactly like that.  If you don’t work it, you’re going to go back to the narcotic of samsara.  But if you do work it, you have strength and bones that you never had before.  There is a similarity.  I’ve often drawn that connection between the Buddha dharma and the way that self-honesty is required, and the 12-step program, especially in that we are all addicts.  We are addicted to our emotions.  We are addicted to our delusions.  We are addicted to our visions.  We are addicted to our dreams. We are all addicts. And we are just so drunk with the narcotic of samsara that it is hard to pay attention, and see what is the root of all this.  We are trying to become awake so that we can see all of that, and right speech is one of the guidelines to the moral discipline of ethics.

We don’t realize that you have to do right to be right. That is certainly true on the path of Buddha dharma.  The importance of speech in the Buddha dharma is central and obvious.  For one thing you can cause harm with speech, and you should never do that.  Right speech would be speaking well, speaking nobly, speaking higher, and not speaking against anyone or speaking harshly or cruelly, or gossiping.

Gossiping is a terrible ethical non-virtue or perversion of Buddhist ethics.  And I must say it’s rampant in most religious communities and in ours too.  It’s rampant.  It’s not what the Buddha taught and it should not be that way.  We should uphold one another with speech, rather than to tear one another down.  Words can break or save lives.  Think about that.  Words can make enemies or friends. Start war or create peace.  All by words.  And you can review history to see that that’s true.

To keep away from false speech, one especially should never tell deliberate lies or speak deceitfully.  Some people are storytellers, and tend to be expansive in their speech.  I’ve been known to do that myself.  When you tell a story, you expand it a little bit.  You polish it up.  Make it a little more interesting.  Throw in a few hand gestures. That’s not deceitful necessarily unless you are making yourself higher.  Then that would be deceitful.  If you said, “I had this experience in meditation.  It was so big.  You’ve never had anything like it.”  (And therefore, I’m big)  That would be wrong speech.  That would be unethical.  What we really want to do is avoid telling different lies, especially those that bring us power, acknowledgement, or approval, because then we know that we are lying to someone, which is unethical, in order to bring ourselves up above them which is not right either.  It ruins our right intention.

That would be called false speech and it is to be avoided.  We must also abstain from slanderous speech, and should not use words maliciously against others.  That’s gossip.  We do it all the time.  We should be very very careful with that, because one thing I’ve noticed about gossip and slander is that it comes right back to you, even in this very life.   But if we develop the habit of slanderous speech, lifetime after lifetime, what happiness can come from that?  We will be born into lifetimes where no matter what we do people will not think well of us.  We will be causing more suffering to others and ourselves.  To use words maliciously against others undermines the whole basis of the path, which is this right intention and this right view, and this consideration of the truth of the Four Noble Truths.

When we consider all of this together, we understand that malicious speech is not just a no no.  It’s a killer. We should abstain from harsh words that offend or hurt others. We can see what the ethics of that would be.  Like if I were to say to you, “Gee, you look kind of ugly today.”  What is the point of that?  Why would I need to do that?  Even if it were true, why would I do that?  Well, first of all I have shown that I have not accomplished right view.  Right there I have shown you my buttocks.  So, obviously this is not the right way to go.

We want to cultivate right intention, so we want to keep away from unethical speech that hurts or offends others.  We want to abstain from idle chatter that lacks purpose or depth.  Positively phrased, it means tell the truth, speak friendly, warmly and gently, and talk when you’ve got something to say.  Brilliant!  Only a Buddha could have thought of this.  Actually it was “talk only when necessary.” I had to have a little fun there.

© Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

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