Astrology for 4/20/2020

4/20/2020 Monday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: A far-seeing day

Today, there is capacity to have a greater intelligence about matters and really see the big picture. Healing old habits is also possible today. However, for the next week there is more disruption. There are unexpected events and changes as the Sun moves over Uranus. People from your past are particularly helpful at this time. If you grow your hair you save on heating bills. Thus the globe rolls over. Poverty is something Money can’t buy.~Philip Whalen

Astrology for 4/19/2020

4/19/2020 Sunday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Spiritual Solutions

The astrological alignment today gives us sensitivity and a mystical connection that can be used to work on our outward struggles. This will help with a particularly restrictive few days. Happy birthday to all born under the sign of Taurus. Our thinking is still Aries-style quick, but now we are more grounded. This is a time to think about what we own, and also what we value. Why is the Buddha’s mind free of action and reaction? The difference is one thing only: the concept of self to which you cling. ~ Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

Today the moon is void of course from 7:31 pm EDT USA until 3:00 am, the next day . If you are in another country check what that means for you time-wise. It’s best to avoid making major decisions or sign contracts during this time.

Astrology for 4/18/2020

4/18/2020 Saturday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Concentration of Energy

For the last few months, all the planets and the Sun have been spread across much less than half of the sky. As this continues for another 3 months, we seek to establish partnership, and to be in harmony with others. We pursue this with lively communication, and curiosity. Outside perspective is a very needed at this time. We will feel burdened with restriction and responsibilities for the next few days. Everything the irritates us about others can lead to an understanding of ourselves. ~ C. G. Jung

Astrology for 4/17/2020

4/17/2020 Friday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Sharp Mind

The kite pattern in the celestial sky indicates that our thinking is unusually quick, sharp and oriented towards relationships. This is a time to move from freedom to commitment. There is dynamic, achievement-driven energy, and a desire to protect and defend one’s partner. As the Moon moves into Pisces later in the day, our sensitivity is enhanced. The greatest natural resource our county has is not oil. It’s not gas. It’s not coal. It’s the genius of our children. ~ Cory Booker

Today the moon is void of course from 10:34 am EDT USA until 2:29 pm . If you are in another country check what that means for you time-wise. It’s best to avoid making major decisions or sign contracts during this time.

Astrology for 4/16/2020

4/16/2020 Thursday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Cross-currents

With many different planetary energies grabbing attention there are many ways to respond in the current circumstances! Assistance comes through learning to deal with unpredictability. Establishing one’s sense of purpose is particularly important. Seeking rejuvenation through tending to your feminine aspect is helpful. Continue to develop strength in your capacity to both think on your feet and seek advice from wise counsel. Whatever you see is a reflection of your own mind.~Ngulchu Gyalsey Thogme Sangpo

Astrology for 4/15/2020

4/15/2020 Wednesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Forbearance

You will have cause to pause a reaction to an emotional trigger, but will you be able to? For today this moment passes quickly. However, if you are feeling boxed in, this experience will last for another week! It’s hard not to be rebellious right now. Close partnerships prove very beneficial at this time, providing stability and balance. Unexpected events have a silver lining. Without stirring abroad one can know the whole world; Without looking out the window one can see the way to heaven.~Lao Tzu

Astrology for 4/14/2020

4/14/2020 Tuesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: A range of responses

As the Moon moves across a number of planets today there will be varying emotional responses to situations ranging from in-depth insights, expansiveness through to feeling restricted, and irritation. But these responses pass. More effort is required to achieve your purpose and overcome strong emotions. You have more energy today. How fragile the flesh. How fragile the world around it. This life on earth evanescent. Deep in samsara.~Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Today the Moon is Void of Course from 7.49 pm ESDT USA until 3.37 am the next day. If you’re in another country check what that means for you time-wise. It’s best to avoid making major decisions or signing contracts during this time.

Astrology for 4/13/2020

4/13/2020 Monday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Stay Light during the Plight

For a few days, the Moon, our emotional life, is supressed by our desire to achieve. A lighthearted approach is very helpful. Coversations should be fun and lively, for the next few months. We want it done now, but power struggles are likely. Beware of taking on too much. Really listen to and love others, no matter how right we think we are. There is no way that you can look into the eyes of suffering and think that they aren’t your eyes. Not if yout truly look. ~ Jetsunma Akhon Lhamo

Astrology for 4/12/2020

4/12/2020 Sunday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: The wounded communicator, and healing

The next few days are an opportunity to rebuild confidence in your capacities to be a good, clear thinker, and have confidence in your communication abilities. With Mars in Aquarius there is more rebelliousness and detachment from habits, which means that sometimes unexpected and strong reactions are triggered. Discipline and patience is the medicine that can be applied. This is a time to harness Aries courageous headstrong energy for the greater good. Be a troublemaker, be demonstrative. Hug a cloud! Organize lightning strikes!~Lorraine Schein

Today the Moon is Void of Course from 7.46 am ESDT USA until 8.05 pm. If you’re in another country check what that means for you time-wise. It’s best to avoid making major decisions or signing contracts during this time.

Astrology for 4/11/2020

4/11/2020 Saturday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Thinking Fast

Mercury, our thought and communication planet, has entered Aries. This speeds up our decision making, and we will find new ways to get things done. Keep communication light hearted, especially as this challenging few days plays out. Hold on to ethics, and don’t be surprised if others are less scrupulous than usual. Compassion is much more effective than self-righteousness now. Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. ~ Proverbs 16:18 (KJV)

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