Astrology for 2/3/2017

2/3/2017 Friday by Norma

A health issue or a source of worry suddenly changes today and prompt action resolves everything. Purchases that inspire your imagination are satisfying and successful but anything you buy for prestige brings disappointment, particularly things your friends urge you to buy. If you find yourself thinking, “All my friends have a ……..I need one too,” run! The Hopi say, “Never interfere in a person’s decisions about what he will do with his possessions.” Watch for continued growth in strength, energy and health today.

Astrology for 2/2/2017

2/2/2017 Thursday by Norma

A surprise is in store for you early in the day: a phone call when you’re asleep, an urgent message, something disrupts your plans but be flexible, this is more important. A different perspective
guides you out of a perplexing situation where you’re uncertain how to respond. Leo J. Carrillo said, “In difficult times I wonder what the Lone Ranger would have done.” If everyone is lined up against you, let go of your opinion and go with the group today. Friends are helpful, public figures seem to be withdrawing and becoming more distant and your partner has never been happier.

Astrology for 2/1/2017

2/1/2017 Wednesday by Norma

Aries planets are strong, and power predominates today. Athletes, soldiers, police and anyone who uses physical strength on a routine basis is called into action, particularly in the service of the status quo. If you are timid, shy or weak travel with an imposing person or else be prepared to act forcefully. Be aware that not everyone supports your agenda and plan accordingly. It’s an energetic, fun time, and when you’re finished, home life has never been better. People walk, talk and drive fast and you should be prepared for this. Sir William Osler said, “To know what has to be done, then do it, comprises the whole philosophy of practical life.” This is a great day for speed, activity, accomplishment and self confidence.

Astrology for 1/31/2017

1/312017 Tuesday by Norma

Something sad leads to something happy today, watch for both and be aware that one leads to the other. A shocking bit of news changes your agenda, and a new way of doing things is necessary. Road to your destination washed out? Take an alternative route. Friends and groups are fun but don’t connect specifically with the rest of your life now. Direct action is very effective in every situation you meet, so don’t dawdle with things or take too long making up your mind. Thomas Huxley said, “Act decidedly and take the consequences. No good is ever done by hesitation.” Home is fun, family is great and film, water and music make a powerful impression today.

Astrology for 1/30/2017

1/30/2017 Monday by Norma

Sensitive conversations and interactions with others characterize this day. Listen attentively, someone can reveal a long held secret and it’s a statement about your trustworthiness that you are the hearer. Respect confidences and treat others with care. Dreams, hunches, music and water all have messages for you, if you’re paying attention. Look at the trees, the leaves and the sky, and you’ll learn something directly relevant to your life. Jodie Foster said, “I hope your experience will take you out these doors, out into the open air.You will breathe it in and say, “From now on, this life will be what I stand for.” Friendship is great, partnership is excellent and vigorous activity is energizing.

Astrology for 1/29/2017

1/29/2017 Saturday by Norma

Spend time with friends today, you’ll have a ball, and make it something energetic. Snowshoe around the mall, run relay races, stay active! Mars in Aries needs something to do, and if you don’t get busy your excess energy will cause trouble. Think of housebound kids bouncing off the wall: take them roller skating, bowling, anything! Will Rogers said, “Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” Absolutely avoid reviewing a past disappointment, you’ll bring it back and blame the wrong person. What’s good today? The energy to do whatever you want, the fire of enthusiasm, good friends and a partner willing to join you.

Astrology for 1/28/2017

1/28/2017 Friday by Norma

A feisty, go get’em attitude urges you to get moving, be active and express yourself! Competition is in the mix, replacing the grin-and-bear-it mode of the recent past. En garde! It’s time to get out there and show the folks what you can do, strut your stuff and look good. All sports are highlighted, debates are great and forward motion goes well. This is the day to launch your satellite, to race your sports car and to take action. “Heinrich Boll said, Something must happen!” Activity is the antidote to everything that ails you nowadays. Partnership is great, friends are wonderful and it’s a whole new world.

Astrology for 1/27/2017

1/27/2017 Friday by Norma

Friends and groups are fun, fun, fun! “The more the merrier,” is the correct phrase for today. Going to the post office? Take your four best buddies! Everything goes better with a group. A final push on a sensitive matter comes and tomorrow everything changes. Water is highlighted, things are in flux, and medical treatments turn out differently than advertised so be careful. Pay attention to the here and now rather than to the past. Ludwig Wittgenstein said, “He who lives in the present lives in eternity.” What’s good today? A surprising sense of freedom and excitement, and renewed opportunities.

Astrology for 1/26/2017

1/26/2017 Thursday by Norma

A surprise comes early in the day, and something that seemed solid is toppled. A fence, your favorite tree? Fear not- something better replaces what came down. This is a terrible time to “express yourself” to someone, to recount your most tragic feeling of victimization or to declare your secret love. Ridicule or derision is possible. Oscar Wilde’s cynical statement, “One must have a heart of stone to read of the death of Little Nell without laughing,” sums up the mood. What’s good? Medical interventions are excellent, business prospers and a situation that seemed unmanageable is brought under control.

Astrology for 1/25/2017

1/25/2017 Wednesday by Norma

Head back to your normal routine today for stability, and notice the inspired thinking that prevails as you come up with a new plan for action. This is a great day to make five, ten or twenty year plans for your future, and be sure to put safety and security first. If an emergency strikes, follow the rules for the situation immediately. A disappointment looms in the next day or so as a result of holding too strictly to your belief system. Flexibility is crucial. Change one part of your plan and success is possible, give nothing and disappointment ensues. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow said, “The lowest ebb is the turn of the tide.” What’s good? Friends, groups, conversations, and partnership.

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