Astrology for 5/16/2016

5/16/2016 Monday by Norma

Time spent with a close companion in productive work is satisfying and yields excellent results. Go in to work early as that’s your best time. The rest of the day is spent finishing up something you begin this morning. If a project doesn’t come together, admit defeat and move on. Avoid the tendency to spend too much time on something unworkable. Financial matters are fun, shopping is great and building for a specific occasion is satisfying. Charles Baudelaire said, “Everything considered, work is less boring than amusing oneself.” Work is fun nowadays. Pleasant conversation, doing things for others’ sake, feelings of stability and satisfaction- these are the joys of this day. Just stay away from political or religious debates!

The astrology post affects everyone differently, depending on individual horoscopes. Look to see how this message affects you today!

Astrology for 5/15/2016

5/15/2016 Sunday by Norma

Happiness is here early in the day, provided you sidestep a discouraging message. Do not confront a problem head on, rather look for an alternative solution. Richard Hooker said, “Change is not made without inconvenience, even from worse to better.” This is a pleasant day to engage in projects that tidy or fix physical objects: sweep, paint, prune, assemble, remodel, stabilize, organize and you’ll be happy. Abstract conceptualization, debates, etc, are upsetting and debilitating. Happiness lies in concrete matters. Spend time with the people and things you love.

The astrology post affects everyone differently, depending on individual horoscopes. Look to see how this message affects you today!

Astrology for 5/14/2016

5/14/2016 Saturday by Norma

Venusian behavior- diplomacy, tact and affection- is your best bet for happiness today. Fill your speech with special kindness and consideration; it’ll be fun, a mental stretch for you (“How can I say this nicely?”) and a source of unexpected happiness for others. Ashley Jensen said, “I’ve made this conscious decision to tell people on the street when I think they’re wearing something great. If more people did that, the world would be a better place.” The demands of work are a factor today, but don’t be too busy to be nice. What’s good? Clearing up past issues, spending for a good cause and carefully avoiding problems by continually changing strategies. If you meet a roadblock, take another road!

The astrology post affects everyone differently, depending on individual horoscopes. Look to see how this message affects you today!

Astrology for 5/13/2016

5/13/2016 Friday by Norma

A happy surprise leaves everyone smiling and delighted. Fun is on the menu today and you must be outside or in a bright, colorful place to find it. A parade, a celebration or a party beckon. You’ll spend more than you wish, but don’t put a price on the happiness this brings to others. Men and women are not on the same page, and leaders are not in sync with their followers; they’ll say something expecting applause and be greeted by silence or boos! Huh? Respect is an issue today, offer it to everyone you meet. Lao Tsu said, “See yourself in others.” What’s good today? Pleasant, diplomatic words, an exciting opportunity, stability and happiness.

The astrology post affects everyone differently, depending on individual horoscopes. Look to see how this message is reflected in your life today!

Astrology for 5/12/2016

5/12/2016 Thursday by Norma

This is a good day for travel and it’s important to dress your best and to look your best as you go about your business. First impressions determine your success today. Money and ego come together negatively so avoid impulse purchases if possible, you’ll buy the most expensive item to impress someone and regret it later. Appeals to your vanity are the red flag, run if someone starts saying “Savvy people buy…”. Kim Hubbard said, “The safest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it in your pocket.” What’s good? A happy frame of mind, pleasant companions and moving out of your normal routine. Try something different today!

The astrology post affects everyone differently, depending on individual horoscopes. Look to see how this message reflects your life today!

Astrology for 5/11/2016

5/11/2016 Wednesday by Norma

The void of course moon signals aimless, undirected activity for most of the day, so don’t break your heart expecting to accomplish something. This is a day to go with the flow, to watch sunsets, lounge peacefully and engage in beautification projects. Venus is strong and she rules beauty and pleasing, relaxing activities. Get a haircut, spiff up your wardrobe, paint a picture, be artistic in your expression. Kahlil Gibran said, “When Life does not find a singer to sing her heart she produces a philosopher to speak her mind.” Aim for beauty and elegance when you shop: choose the prettiest
food, the most colorful items. Sidestep political or sectarian talk, you’ll just upset yourself.

The astrology post affects everyone differently, depending on individual horoscopes. Look to see how this message reflects your life today!

Astrology for 5/10/2016

5/10/2016 Tuesday by Norma

The urge to eat, stay home and feel secure predominates today, so avoid things that cause uncertainty. Be aware that people need mothering; if you meet a cranky, unhappy person do your best to offer sympathy and understanding. Anonymous said, “See a complaining person as a crying baby, in need of attention.” This is an excellent day to shop, engage in successful work, come up with a new creative proposition and to cook. Mercury retrograde cautions against buying machines or signing contracts. You may, however, buy something you have considered previously and have come back after thinking it over.

The astrology post affects everyone differently, depending on individual horoscopes. Look to see how this message is reflected in your life today!

Astrology for 5/9/2016

5/9/2016 Monday by Norma

The most pleasing planet, Venus, is making great aspects now so be Venusian; go around smiling, blowing kisses and expressing good will to everyone. Use this energy in all your interactions and you won’t go wrong! Diplomacy and congeniality succeed where assertion fails. The hidden assumption that people who disagree with your ideas are invalidating you is part of the mix today, so be as agreeable as possible. Helen Gurley Brown said, “Love doesn’t drop on you unexpectedly; you have to give off signals, sort of like an amateur radio operator.” Spend the day spreading good will in all your activities, the more you do the happier you’ll be. Compliment telephone sales people before you hang up on them. (“I love you, please take me off your list.”)

The astrology post affects everyone differently, depending on individual horoscopes. Look to see how this message reflects your life today!

Astrology for 5/8/2016

5/8/2016 Sunday by Norma

A message delivered is completely misunderstood, reminiscent of the old jingle, “When God gave out noses, you thought he said roses and ordered a big red one.” Expect confusion to ensue: people get lost, go to the wrong address, deliver bouquets to the wrong person, eat candy meant for someone else! Bigger mistakes can be made too, resulting in feelings of remorse. Apologize if you are the culprit, set things right and enjoy the satisfaction of the day; relaxing, eating good food and an overall sense of peacefulness. Do your best to make others comfortable and happy, too, and you will have accomplished your mission for the day.

The astrology post affects everyone differently, depending on individual horoscopes. Look to see how this message affects your life today!

Astrology for 5/7/2016

5/7/2016 Saturday by Norma

Make plans to do your errands early in the day and then hit the road! It’s a great day to go for a drive, go on an excursion or call everyone you know to chat. Travel and communication rule! Do not, however, attempt to convert others to your point of view; this will result in a veritable hornet’s nest of trouble as others insist you adopt their point of view. Call to say “Hi”, not to tell others how to vote. Bern Williams said, “Unsolicited advice is the junk mail of life.” What else if good today? Tidying up, chatting with friends, going grocery shopping, telling people how much you like them and balancing your accounts. Games are fun too.

The astrology post affects everyone differently, depending on individual horoscopes. Look to see how this message reflects your life today!

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