Astrology by Norma for May 17, 2014

5/17/2014 Saturday

You may be called into public service: asked to give a speech or appear with an important person. Accept graciously and behave in a dignified manner, no matter how uncomfortable you feel. See it as a learning experience. John Stuart Mill said “The pupil who is never required to do what he cannot do, never does what he can do.” Dress formally wherever you go, and accept that you are under observation. Chat pleasantly with everyone you meet. A healing situation comes today. Take advantage of this opportunity but do not disucss it in public. An odd combination of formality, casual chat, and sensitive matters make this a complex day. Count to ten before you pledge money for anything. You won’t be able to get out of it later, so be sure you are willing to give before making a commitment.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with family or children, some in work, and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Astrology by Norma for May 16, 2014

5/16/2014 Friday

It’s important to establish a secure home base during the next four days, a place to go when you get confused or overly excited, because both are likely to happen. Use your mind: hold your ground, keep your head, and don’t be swept off your feet by circumstances. Exciting events can lead to over-the-top decisions or statements that look ridiculous later. Feels like you’re in Pamplona, Spain, during the running of the bulls. You want to run too! Leslie Nielsen said , “Doing nothing is very hard to do – you never know when you’re finished”. Relax, go with the flow and don’t join a mob. You’ll have a chance to declare yourself philosophically: accept the opportunity. Talk is better than action today.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with family or children, some in work, and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Astrology by Norma for May 15, 2014

5/15/2014 Thursday

Electricity, lightning, and machines, these are the stars of the show today. Fascinating people magnetize others in a love-at-first-sight way. Planning to sweep someone off their feet? In the mood to spray paint your hair purple? Today’s your day: eccentricity rules! Inventors come up with brilliant ideas, public speakers hypnotize audiences, and love is in the air. A tyrannical or inept authority figure or government is in trouble: people are willing to speak up and demand change. Those who rule by fear are in danger of insurrection. Paul Ehrlich said, “To err is human, but to really foul things up you need a computer.” A computer may really foul things up today, which is both good and bad news, depending on which side you favor.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with family or children, some in work, and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Astrology by Norma for May 14, 2014

5/14/2014 Wednesday

The full moon makes everyone temporarily crazy, which explains a great deal about this day. Feeling nutty, moody, or over-the-top yourself? Join the crowd! There is a danger of going overboard, of buying a rolls royce when a volkswagon will do, or eating a filet mignon instead of a hamburger. In every decision, buy the less expensive alternative. In time, you’ll understand why this is important. Financial matters are more unstable than you know. Speak up immediately if you seem to be losing a person, if someone is fading out of your life. Without realizing it, you may have been ignoring a loved one. The right words can bring the person back, so speak up. Declare your love! Jon Bon Jovi said ,”My wife tells me that if I ever decide to leave, she’s coming with me.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with family or children, some in work, and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Astrology by Norma for May 13, 2014

5/13/2014 Tuesday

A private conversation, one involving behind-the-scenes matters, takes place early in the day. Someone fills you in on a secret matter, and it’s your job to keep it secret. New opportunities appear during a friendly exchange of ideas. Communication is powerful. People who have been stuck, unable to move, have regained the will to move forward. Plan now and take action in the next week. You are electrified by the news. Drink as much water as possible, dehydration is a danger. Short trips are excellent for brainstorming. If you are stuck -unable to think clearly – take a walk, go for a drive or read a book. Mason Cooley said, “The first lesson reading teaches is how to be alone.” You need privacy now.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with family or children, some in work, and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Astrology by Norma for May 12, 2014

5/12/2014 Monday

Magnetic love is in the air! A sense of happiness and joie de vivre permeate your outlook, making everything seem brighter. Going shopping? The merchandise is appealing! Paying bills? It’s fun! Venus in Aries gives a zippy attitude that’s just what the doctor ordered. A message or communication generates excitement. Things are changing. The past two months have forced you to revisit issues you thought were gone. Did you make a decision in March that you are reconsidering now? Wait a week, think and plan, and a new possibility becomes available. Take it. Alice Randall said, “Sometimes when almost everything is wrong, one thing is so right you would do it all over again.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with family or children, some in work, and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Astrology by Norma for May 11, 2014

5/11/2014 Sunday

Opposition is here. Make a statement and someone will assert the opposite! Offer an explanation and you’ll hear a counter-explanation. It’s a great day for debate and a terrible day for decision making. Financial matters don’t work and arguments aren’t persuasive. What’s good is talk! People are itching to express themselves. Let everyone offer a plan of action. You’ll be dumbfounded by the range of possibilities offered for consideration. Have fun. Plato said, “Serious things cannot be understood without laughable things, nor opposites at all without opposition.” Have a nice meal later.

Astrology by Norma for May 10, 2014

5/10/2014 Saturday

Two parties are working to get along with each other. They have radically different styles: one is assertive and lawyer-like in weighing options, the other is loving and willing to charge in unprepared. Arrange for the lawyer to handle the preparation and the other party to lead the charge. Neither can proceed alone. These two are an unbeatable combination. Take
action early in the day because in time people become indecisive. Samuel Johnson said, “The future is purchased by the present.” You are starting something now that will grow and flourish in an unexpected way. Your actions today ensure your future. For heaven’s sake don’t just sit back doing nothing!

Astrology by Norma for May 9, 2014

5/9/2014 Friday

This is the perfect day to score a bullseye, to take the long shot, to score a hole in one! Aim carefully and you can’t fail. A project involving expansion or home renovation goes well. Financial matters fall into place, and even a balky creditor is willing to give you a chance. Be absolutely sure your work is accurate, dot all the i’s and cross all the t’s.
Leave no room for criticism, which is rampant. Someone is scrutinizing everything you do, but you can do it! Norman Cousins said, “Wisdom consists of the anticipation of consequences.” On a different front love is exhilarating and life is more fun than usual.

From “How to Follow a Spiritual Master” – From the Vinaya

The following is from “How to Follow a Spiritual Master”  – According to the Vinaya:

We should first request and receive the pure precepts or vows from him and further make abundant offerings, honouring him at all times with out body, speech and mind. The three hundred verses of the precepts of novice give us step-by-step guidance on correct behaviour.

In the morning, we should arise before our Master, wash and make prostrations to the Buddhas, our Master and recite prayers until daybreak. Then we should visit our Khenpo and knock quietly, prostrating whilst entering, enquiring about his well-being. We should further enquire what kind of activities we should have in the morning.

We should keep his residence clean, prepare all toiletries for his bath, as well as laying out all he needs, washing his begging bowl and so on. We should serve him so as to avoid letting him become tired. We should prepare the mandala offering and receive his teachings. In all activities of our three doors, we should have respect according to Vinaya monastic rules. In spare time, we should endeavor to practice meditation and study earnestly. In the evenings, prostrations to the stupa, teachers and supreme objects of virtues, should be performed. The Master’s feet should be cleansed with clean water. We should enquire what we should do during the night and follow his instructions without falling asleep at that time.

Usually when we are close to our Teacher, we should get up immediately when he stands, when he is sitting we should enquire what he needs, providing according to his wishes. When we go as his attendant, we should not precede him as we are showing our back to him. If we walk behind him we should not step on his footprint. We should not step over the shadow on his right but walk to his left slightly behind.

However, if there is some danger about, we can precede him. We should not step over his seat nor use his means of transport (horse, vehicle etc.).

We should always take care to keep our vows pure following our Master with respect from three doors avoiding disrespect such as not rising when the Master does so. When the Master is seated, we should seek a lower seat, not standing, behaving calmly and humbly. During alms round we should not go ahead nor stand on the right of the Master but follow him behind on his left. Among the few possessions we are allowed to keep through Lord Buddha’s instruction we should offer the best to our Master without stinginess.

Whatever we do for our Master, we should do so out of pure respect not arising out of pretension, disinterest nor grudgingly. Such impure motivations are not in accordance with the teachings and they are not genuine. The sole purpose of the above is to make our Master happy.

By making our Master happy though we are not benefiting him nor rendering a service to him. However we have many opportunities to accumulate merit, cleanse our bad habits and tame the wildness of our mind. Henceforth this behavior is very beneficial for us and lays the foundation for he growing of trust and respect.

As time progresses, these two qualities in turn will naturally develop into faith and devotion and form the support required from our side for the pouring of blessings. In this context, our self-centered society has lost any means to even understand the concept or even the need for respect, rendering service to others  even less honouring. Instead, we are constantly focusing our our personal needs, emotions, and well-being. No wonder that, since everyone is pursuing the same type of ideals, we experience ever-increasing conflicts, first in the wildness of our untamed mind, in the relationship between close and distant families, social classes, work colleagues and even nations. When the only means of focus is self-interest and increase in personal gains, whatever kind they may be, conflict is never far away. Thus, the first step in training of the mind is that of basic re-learning process of respect through the recognition of our Master’s qualities, qualities we do not possess ourselves as yet but we feel are worthy of emulating.

In essence, the teacher we meet is the result of the quality of our view and the consequence of our past karma. There was once an illiterate man with great faith in the dharma and his Master who was sitting at the back of the monks during prayers. As he could not read or even fully understand all which was recited, he used to pray very simply, may I too accomplish whatever they are saying. And so, through the power of his devotion his short prayer bore fruit.

and further:

The best way to serve him is to dedicate our life to practice and uphold the teachings.
The next best way is to serve him in body and speech that will cleanse our obscuration.
Lastly we should make offerings to him that allows us to perform the two accumulations.

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