Astrology for 5/13/2019

5/13/2019 Monday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Zaniness in relationships and deepening

For the next week expect unusual encounters with others. Disruption in relationships and sudden separation could also occur. If this happens it generally is for the better. There is an underlying harmony between genders. Take advantage of the opportunity to deepen your sense of purpose. It is more easy to achieve change at this time. It’s a good time to make adjustments in your idealism. I wish people were all trees and I think I could enjoy them then.~Georgia O’Keefe

Astrology for 5/12/2019

5/12/2019 Sunday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Back on your feet

Over the next few days you have more purpose and agency in dealing with challenges and difficulties. For the next few days this is a nice time to be with friends and to socialize. You’ll be in the mood for fun, and there may be financial opportunities for the next week. You just stood up to your mother…. I should think now you could take on the world.~Elizabeth Strout

Today the Moon is Void of Course from 8.26 am EDST USA until 12.23pm. If you’re in another country check what that means for you time-wise. It’s best to avoid making major decisions or signing contracts during this time.

Astrology for 5/11/2019

5/11/2019 Saturday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Faith and love

There is a harmonious aspect today between faith, love and feeling which produces good outcomes in relationships. It’s also a good aspect for the generation of ideas for the benefit of all beings. With the Moon in Leo there is a performative aspect to peoples behaviors. Are people trying to upstage each other or take center stage? There is also a playful aspect the day. Rise like Lions after slumber In unvanquishable number.~Percy Bysshe Shelley

Astrology for 5/10/2019

5/10/2019 Friday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Testing your metal

There is a challenge today to keep your head? Are you up to it ? This is a passing moment even though are the best of reasons to react. What seems like a new prod is an old prod to an old wound. This continues to be a time when you feel like circumstances are outside your immediate control. All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. ~JRR Tolkien

Astrology for 5/9/2019

5/9/2019 Thursday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Nurturing your Future Self

The Moon (emotions) is aligned with our future potential today, in the sign of nurturing, Cancer. Yet, feeling isolated and having power struggles in relationships continues for a couple more days. A spiritual ( compassion and wisdom) perspective is very helpful in negotiating these problems. Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.~Soren Kierkegaard

Wishing Prayers

An excerpt from a teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo called Compassion is the Only Lasting Antidote to Suffering

In Vajrayana Buddhism (literally the Diamond Vehicle), which is the form of Buddhism preserved in Tibet and Mongolia and the one followed in my temple, one of the foundational teachings is the understanding and practice of compassion.  I personally find that a religious philosophy based on selfless compassion is deeply satisfying, and I believe that it strikes a chord with many Americans.

However, although there are many people who embrace the idea of compassion as love and a deep caring for others, they do not realize that to actualize the mind of Great Awakening requires a deliberate and disciplined path.  Human beings are not born with great compassion automatically realized.  Thus, the Diamond Path can be described as a technology for spiritual development.

From the Buddhist point of view, there are primarily two ways to approach compassion: aspirational compassion and practical compassion.  When one begins to practice on the Diamond Path, one begins straightaway to make wishing prayers, cultivating the idea of being of benefit to beings who are revolving helplessly through cycles of existence.   This is aspirational compassion.

Every practice in which we engage, every teaching we hear, every empowerment we receive, every prayer we chant, can all be dedicated to the liberation of all beings from all forms of suffering. Thus, aspirational compassion is practiced in the beginning by many repetitions of wishing prayers.  These prayers are meant to benefit beings through developing the sincere desire to utilize all one’s activities — from the mundane to the sublime — as a means of eliminating the causes of suffering in all its forms.  One prays for the cessation of war, poverty, sickness, death and rebirth, loneliness, hatred, greed and ignorance.  One adopts a posture of pure intention based on the idea that every portion of this life, as well as future incarnations yet to come, might somehow be useful to sentient beings.

As an example of this type of wishing prayer, I will paraphrase a famous practice:

If there is a need for nourishment, let me return as food.  If there is a need for shade, let me be a tree.  If there is a need for shelter, let me be a house.  If there is a need to cross over, let me be a bridge.  If there is sickness, may I manifest as the doctor, the medicine and the nurse who restore health.  May I be land for those requiring it, a lamp for those in darkness, a home for the homeless, and a servant to the world.

While this may sound very kind and loving, the intention here goes far deeper than the apparent words because one must strive to be of benefit not only to fulfill the immediate needs of beings, but also to bring future benefit.  Providing things such as food, housing, and medicine bring about benefit, of course, and this type of kindness is profoundly virtuous.  We should all strive to meet the needs of others in just these ways.  Yet, from a Buddhist perspective, being able to practice only this type of compassion does not bring ultimate benefit.  For instance, if it were possible to feed an entire nation or perhaps even the world and completely eliminate hunger and hopelessness, we still would not be solving the root of the problem.

According to the Buddha, there is no condition or circumstance without a cause.  Just as the fruit does not manifest without first appearing on a tree, which came from a seed, neither does any circumstance, good or bad, in which we find ourselves manifest without a cause.  These causes may not be found in this life only, but may come from previous lifetimes.

It is not possible for people to be born randomly into difficult circumstance or to suddenly experience the onset of tremendous suffering and upheaval.  These events are always the result of a tapestry of cause-and-effect relationships (karma) woven around the delusion involving the definition and maintenance of an ego.  Thus, to solve the immediate needs of beings may bring some relief, but it does not guarantee that they will not experience great difficulty in the future, because it does not break the continuum of cause and effect that ripens unexpectedly and constantly.  This continuum originates from the belief in an ego self and the desire that results from that belief.  It is through the pacification of desire that one can begin to transform one’s karma.  When the delusion of ego begins to dissolve, karma also begins to dissolve.  But if the mindstream is not purified of the karma of suffering, the potential for suffering remains.

© Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

Astrology for 5/8/2019

5/8/2019 Wednesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Brilliant ideas and a restsless mind.

Today the focus is on all forms of communication. On the one hand you can be brimming with brilliant ideas that are innovative and exciting. On the other hand you could wear yourself out by over-thinking. Mindfulness in both speech and thought helps. There is a playful element at work today including word-play. With the Moon in Cancer there is a gentle nurturing and protective energy that can offset the frenetic pace of communication. In skating over thin ice our safety is in our speed.~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Astrology for 5/7/2019

5/7/2019 Tuesday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: New Insights and Petty Arguments

A time to gain new understandings is coming to a peak. This would be the best outcome of dealing with disruptions to routines. Today, Mars (the Warrior) and the Moon (our emotional life) are united in Gemini, the sign of restless curiosity. Patience and Kindness are especially important now. Next week it is easier to adjust to the societal struggle through navigating between change and the status quo. Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.~HH Dalai Lama

Today the Moon is Void of Course from 7.51 pm EDST USA until 5.408 am the next day. If you’re in another country check what that means for you time-wise. It’s best to avoid making major decisions or signing contracts during this time.

Astrology for 5/6/2019

5/6/2019 Monday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Restless Curiosity 

With the moon in Gemini for the next few days, ideas and information are emotionally gratifying. Thinking and communication style is shifting from the quick, direct energy of Aries to slow, steady energy of Taurus today. Disruptions to routines are likely, yet can be the impetus for new insights. Some relationships will become more distant and some will be transformed now. Things change. And friends leave. Life doesn’t stop for anybody.~ Stephen Chbosky

Astrology for 5/5/2019

5/5/2019 Sunday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: New cycles and ideas with zing

With the new moon it’s a good time to start projects and re-start any plans that have been on hold. The strong Taurus energy is still apparent: it’s slow cooking and a steady chef who wins food festivals today. For the next week thinking and communication will be more spontaneous and innovative – although there maybe unexpected disruptions. Life continues to be ‘big’ in all senses of the words including exploring the meaning of life. Some of the hydrogen in your body comes from the Big Bang, and when you see a kid walking down the street with a helium balloon, you can say, ‘There goes some of the primordial universe.’~Jocelyn Bell Burnell

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