Understanding Cause and Effect

I’m not an astrologer, but noticed that lately we have seen some strong transiting planetary aspects. Today was Jupiter conjuncts Uranus, two powerful, relatively slow planets lined up together, and also both trine Venus. It actually is a good time to begin new projects, and new ideas blossom, new phases entered and risks taken. The land lays different. Change experienced in such a profound way is disconcerting and awe inspiring as well as frightening.

It is good to remember that Buddha taught all things are impermanent, and that was one constant we all experience; change. We are all born, and then die. In between are endless uncountable changes in our body, speech & mind. In fact that is one of the terrifying faults of samsara, the tide that relentlessly pulls us toward the end of the journey.

The character and results of this trip all depend on our karma and habitual tendency. If we were warriors, the habit of thoughtlessly hurting others remains. If we were thieves, the habit of feeling entitled to steal from others remains. If we were healers, the habit and knack for it may remain. If we were teachers, the habit of educating remains, etc. The character one builds will color our future lives. Our qualities can be carried forward and built on in every life. Likewise if the habits and qualities are meager and poor one can cycle down through lower rebirths for what seems like an eternity. Not one sesame seed’s worth of material wealth can be taken with you.

So we should balance our material needs with the richer, deeper wealth of spirit. We can leave material goods to our children. They should be comfortable. But if you are collecting lots of money and lovely stuff I hope you will give much to the poor. Give some money and stuff away. That is the only way to be sure you will be comfortable and provided for in a future life! Funny how that works, no?

An example: since I began my work I have never lived in a shabby or poor home. Whether mine or not; I am blessed with a safe, comfy, lovely home always. Is it because I am rich? Oh, far from it! But I always spend a good portion of time making nice homes for birdies, finding nice homes for dogs and cats, keeping my land natural for the beautiful wildlife. I am never without food for me and mine because I spend $300 on animal food every month. It is my joy! I wish it was more! Bird houses, bird food, deer food- I love doing this, have since childhood. With this money I could buy a new snazzy car! But my car is nine years old, runs well and looks just fine. I would rather feed wildlife. I love them; they are Buddha, every one. When I serve them I serve the Guru, the Buddha in all. At KPC we feed wild animals, rescue “anipals,” the poor and homeless, we will always be safe, fed and warm if we continue.

We know we will not live forever. We know we want to be happy and content in this and all lives. But most beings simply do not know how to create the causes. We deny cause and effect. We do not think in full equations. We are scrambled in our thinking because we do not understand our future is caused by our own thoughts and actions.

I know rich people who will be poor in the future due to selfishness. I know an amazing woman who is a good Buddhist nun and was a warrior in past lives. Though she has reformed (pun) she has a hole in her heart where her spear entered the heart of another in an ancient, meaningless war.

We do not see that what we do matters, and why and how, even more. We do not see that we dwell in our own mindstream. All phenomena is essentially empty of self nature, but it doesn’t seem like it and we forget the dream like quality of samsara, think it solid and act like we are not spiritual beings at all and there was nothing but this life, this need, this want, this desire and then we are lost. Please, wake up to your nature. Practice, contemplate and act as though everything depends upon your awakening! Because you are the one, and it does in fact depend on you and me.



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