Warrior of Compassion

To hate is irresponsible. Not only does it taint one’s own mind, but harms all others who touch it. It is unethical, as it poisons our world. I resent hate on twitter, not just the idiotic stuff thrown at me, but in general too. I have great hopes for twitter to exchange info and bring the world closer together, like a world community. Tweeters often offer love and support to each other, care.

Other types only want to rabble-rouse and stir up the war consciousness in everyone. Mostly failures in life, they feel better when they make their victims hurt. My sense is that they do not understand people who build their lives with skill and care. Their hatred of other’s success is due to feelings of inadequacy driving them. Not understanding the mechanics of a wholesome life, peaceful life, they hate those that do. And blame others for their difficulties. Actually, it is their own attitude and reaction that harms them. I say it over and over. Your Karma and mind are yours alone!

Therefore it must be oneself that manages and minds one’s own non virtue. Oddly enough, these are just the people who project their hate onto others. Example: a person commits a crime and goes to jail. Then commits more crime while on parole and blames the person who caught him red-handed. A narcissistic criminal with sociopath mindset will blame the person who caught them. Never seeing that the problem was the crime itself, and therefore their own chosen lifestyle. The bible tells us that to live by the sword is to die by the sword. True.

Buddhists call it karma, cause and effect. The same principle, I think in that we must take responsibility for the harm we cause others. If the criminal ends up being punished (say-like-Prison) that isn’t harming. If the criminal does the crime, that is the result. And they have created the cause. Though a deluded person may think they are right they still have committed a crime. And beings are harmed.

The amazing thing about Buddha Dharma is that there is always a way to confess, purify, and “go right” according to the methods of the eight-fold path. Correcting course and following what the Buddha taught, similar to 10 commandments, there is a body of material in ethics according to the Buddhist traditions. And since it is the bones of the body of Dharma it prevails through all its forms. In truth it is the ethical, warm-hearted and generous heart that provides the happiness, joy and stability on the path. Through meditation as well, we find peace and sweet relief!

Conversely when the me me – me mantra is in the driver seat, and the ego is immensely puffed up there is never any satisfaction or lasting happiness. The body then reflects the qualities of mind, and all is lost.

If you want to fight a war, the only one worth fighting is the insightful one against one’s own poisons. In the way the Buddhas see, it is not even truly possible to fight an external enemy. The enemy is war, our own soldiers are our own root poisons. And the true enemy is within, our own egos, and habitual tendencies. Therefore fight your own war, pacify hatred greed and ignorance, enjoy the happiness it brings, and live to bring benefit to the world!

© Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

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