Live From the Heart

The following is extracted from a twitter conversation between Jetsunma and a young student:

Student: Precious Teacher, what do you think of micronationalism?

Jetsunma: To be completely honest, sounds like a bunch of white guys pushing things and their boundaries around again. And breaking stuff like reefs and shoals, wrong. We need more caretakers, not buyers of Earth.

Student: It’s a hobby of mine and one that I try to operate by using the dharma, and a political stand for the poor and environment.

Jetsunma: How so?

Student: I try to be compassionate to all there, and help all the people I know from it, especially those who have problems in their lives.

Jetsunma: You could do that anyway…do you have lots of resources? Do people already live there? If so and you would only “help” them if you are President or King it is an ego trip and you have no right to put others in your personal domain. That would be a baby dictator on a huge ego trip. Do your subjects pay taxes? Do you? This seems silly. Maybe build a virtual world you can control. Had to be honest.

Student: No, it’s nearly just me and another once in a while. No taxes, no money is spent and virtual worlds cost money to own – money I don’t have or can use.

Jetsunma: As long as you don’t inflate your ego or hurt anyone (you can’t buy a video game?) Then let your time be better spent. Plant a tree.

Student: I can’t buy the ones used to build virtual worlds, I’m 16. And, that sounds like a good project for us to do, yes. Thank you, Jetsunma, Precious Teacher.

Jetsunma: Didn’t realize you were a teen. OK I get it. You are feeling around for your world. OK. Better to cleanse and re-plant the world. Feed birds. Just help! You sound smart, look around and see what needs doing. Plant, pick up trash, pray for the earth. Help homeless animals, find no kill centers. Collect blankets and tarps for homeless. Cans of food for hungry. You have a good heart, you can do so much good if you don’t do “la-la land.” Get out of your head, live from the heart! Be a community angel. You know, a few nails and a hammer just might fix your neighbor’s fence. USA government does not take proper care of her people. You can help!

Student: Thank you, I will do exactly that! All that which you have said, I will work to do.

Jetsunma: Hugs and big smiles!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

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