
A pleasant conversation or short trip is promised today.  Go somewhere, speak to others!  A secret is revealed and a mystery is finally comprehensible.  Pay special attention to the emotional tone of those who are nearby.  Important messages are being sent and received, but not through the usual channels.  An investment is brewing in the background and it’s a good one.  An escape is possible for those who have felt trapped or in danger.  Secrecy is important today, not everyone should be in on the plans.  At the exact moment that delicate negotiations are being conducted, chatterboxes are having a ball and it’s a fun time.  Deal with both agendas and don’t mix them with each other. Have fun as you separately conduct your secret deal!  Mark Nero said, “The heart is a strong shore and the ocean has many moods.”  Just like today.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


A love match is possible, and someone who cares for you is ready to commit.  Speak pleasantly to those you encounter, in particular your partner.  Be grateful to the people who have been loyal to you over time and express your gratitude.  Neighbors are especially important now as are those who deliver messages.  Pay special attention to allies, those people whose support you’ve taken for granted.  Something is lurking beneath the surface, and someone may have less time than you imagine.  Check into hidden things, pay attention to what people do when they’re not on display.  Trouble may be brewing.  It’s not too late to drop bad habits, but to do that you must know you have them.  Check yourself.  The Hopi say, “To gossip is like playing checkers with an evil spirit: you win occasionally but are more often trapped at your own game.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Blessings and Opportunities

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I made it to the Stupa today, difficult for me, and was happy to see repair continues. Joy to my heart! Weeding and gardening too. Gratitude.

It’s hard to express how important the Stupa is. So many blessings, opportunity to gather merit, a righteous life.

We need clearing too. All invited to come help, please, help is needed. We are aging fast here, and some are too old to do outdoor labor. But there are buyers needed to gather supplies, painters, mowers, etc. Who wants to change their life doing good works? It works when you work it.

I went to the aviary too. Such joy watching macaws and other wild beauties fly! Riggs gives them a good life. We always need help there too.

Now my back feels pretty sore.

I kinda hoped I’d see workers there to thank them. Maybe next time. Maybe I’ll bring pizza and fruit and nuts next time. I always bring offerings. And happily.

I love you all but especially those who help others. Don’t forget the Occupy folks and the homeless. The system is hurting us all.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo.  All rights reserved


Diplomacy is unsuccessful early in the day and a response to a cheerful comment can bring emotional upset.  Go back and seek clarification if a mis-communication occurs.  A negative reaction could be the result of a misunderstanding.  Repeat instructions to be sure you got it right.  Keep asking, “Do you mean…?” if something seems peculiar.  A partnership can be successfully negotiated, if you follow the preceding advice.  You can find yourself in a nifty situation if you’re careful enough.  The Omaha say, “Ask questions from your heart and you will be answered from the heart.”  Short distance travel is favorable today.  Still, you need to zip your lip while someone is engaged in detail work.  But you don’t want to!  Beware of insect bites or stings today.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


Someone criticizes you and it hurts.  Go back and re-think what you said right before you got stung. You’ll discover the trigger and learn not to do or say that again.  Mars is zipping along in the sign of detail, which is great news for accountants and everyone whose work involves detail.  You are fast and accurate and uninterested in wasting time with chit-chatters.  Notice which role you’re playing here and try to be considerate of others.  The image could be someone adding up a long column of numbers being interrupted by a joke teller.  Fur will fly!  Try not to bother people today.  What’s good?  Shopping, long distance travel and philosophy.  Inspiration is waiting and good fortune appears from an unexpected source.  The Apache say, “In this world the unseen has power.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


Brilliant thinking is in the air today.  Be open to novel concepts and “out of the box” ideas, and watch your projects move forward.  Men and leaders are magnetic.  Move in the direction of light, as opposed to dark, in all things.  Be outside, as opposed to inside, today.  A woman or child can give new understanding to hidden matters, however, and they can go places men can’t.  A nagging, critical energy is frustrating, and it’s quite important to slow down as you work.  Otherwise you’ll make a mistake and have to do everything again!  Slow down!  If you have a lot of work to do, allot more time rather than trying to speed up.  It’s a good shopping day and you may be asked to invest in a project, which is a good idea as long as you do your homework. Theodore Roethke said, “I learn by going, where I have to go.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Fire and Gentleness

An excerpt from a teaching called Dharma and the Western Mind by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo given on January 29, 1989

Adapting Dharma for Westerners is not difficult if you understand what our needs are.  The first thing that a Westerner has to do is to become stable in this path.  You have to remain stable and you have to remain stable for the right reasons.  I have seen old time practitioners that have seen the best Lamas and had the best opportunities and the most glorious teachings, but I am not impressed with the stability of their path and I feel that the reason for that is that they have not come to the point where they have really cultivated a gentleness of mind.  They haven’t really cultivated the necessary fire in the heart that keeps everything going.  They haven’t lit that dynamo that makes them remain passionate about loving.

Sometimes I am disappointed in when I see old time practitioners doing the Dharma talk and walking the Dharma walk and spouting this name and knowing that term but their hearts are unchanged.  There is a hardness there. The most tragic thing about that is that even though they are hot and heavy on the path now they may not remain firm on the path.  And time has born that out.   There are many Western Dharma practitioners who were really on and now they are really off.  I think that the reason why this happens is because they did not take the time to build a foundation based on compassion. We cannot consider that it is a baby teaching.  I talk about bodhicitta and compassion all the time.  If bodhicitta, which is the term for compassion, were ice cream you would come here and you would get a different flavor every week.  That is how I teach.  And I teach it as many different ways as I can. I try to be creative and sometimes I pull rabbits out of hats and sometimes I whisper it and sometimes I shout it and sometimes I give it to you to read, but it is always about Bodhicitta.  It is always about compassion, it is always about love in some form or another.

I really have had old time Dharma students say, “Hey I have had Bodhicitta already, and I am tired of Bodhicitta.” I am so sad when I hear that because if you can get tired of that subject then you don’t know it at all. You think that it is a baby subject yet it is the very union of the wisdom of realizing the emptiness of self-nature and the compassionate self that is truly the awakened mind.  There is no time when you are finished learning about compassion.  There is no time when you are finished learning about love.

Westerners who have been to college, to university and have papers are the worst problem we have in this country when it comes to practice, because we think that having got papers we don’t need to be learning about this simple stuff.  We say, “I need the real teachings.  Give me some Dzogchen.  Give me some heavy stuff.  I want the real stuff, because I am an American and I can deal with it.”  The problem is that as Westerners, no matter who we are, if the mind is not prepared, it is like the ground not being cultivated.  You drop the seed and it goes plunk on the top and if our minds are not gentled and deepened we go plink.  We may be able to memorize a wonderful Dzogchen teaching, we may be able to read the text but we are still plinking merrily away.  We have to have these foundational teachings and they have to be with us always.  There is never a time, no matter how advanced you are that you should forget that the greatest Dzogchen teaching, the most pure and pristine understanding of the Nature of Mind is an understanding of the nature of compassion. The most pristine, achingly beautiful understanding of the Primordial Wisdom State is the awakening to love.  There is no difference: the two of them are inseparable.  You can’t have one without the other.  And you may think to yourself, “What comes first the chicken or the egg? Can’t I learn to love after I am wise already?”  I don’t think so because really the mind has to be prepared for these precious deeper teachings.  It has to be gentled.

There is a confession that His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche gave to us and the translation that I have says, “That my mind is as hard as horn.” And I think about that all the time because at any stage it is possible for the mind to become hard as horn, to become so impressed with its prowess in playing with Dharma terms, to become so impressed with how we can sit straight when we meditate, to become so impressed with how good we live and how sorry we are for every one else, to become so impressed that we are hard. It is important for us as Westerners and as part of the human family to cultivate gentleness so that we can truly accomplish Dharma.

©Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo


Everything comes together in a flash, and a sudden opportunity is here!  Take it!  Read the fine print and if everything is legit, go for it!  Happiness and emotional stability are in the picture.  Combine these two with confidence and you are ready to jump back into life with a bang!  Stability plus the fire of enthusiasm combined with happiness gives you the winning edge.  No matter what you do today, you’ll feel like a winner.  You may as well take this good energy out into the world.  E.D. Nixon said, “Your spark can become a flame and change everything.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Stupas and Healing

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Greetings all from Poolesville Md where it is steamy and humid. All is well at KPC we are getting ready to make repairs and maintain Stupas. We will of course go to Palyul Retreat but there is fund raising and prep to do. And land clearing, taming the beast across the Temple.

Seems we are happiest working together as a family. Anyone wishing to give or help should watch here for how to get together.

We are busy these days and there is plenty to do. Members need to keep informed and responsible, and helping new people. Any Buddhist wanna dance?

Many miracles happen by the Stupa, healing, help with prosperity, we have many stories and testimonials as well.

To live long and well one must have merit. A good way to make some is by giving and helping with building and repair, and practicing near the Stupa.

I went to the Stupa yesterday and saw the need for repair and upkeep. I made offerings, and today I feel better than I have. My body craves rest and my Gurus demand it, so I’m working on resting. (Joke, haha) and saw “Avatar” again, and remembered that we are doing the same to this planet (see director’s cut) and we need Stupas more than ever. Worldwide.

We need help with our Sedona Stupa too. Always.

Stupas are curative for the land and balancing as well. They will help.

Stand up!

See also: The Benefits of Building and Sponsoring a Stupa

 Incalculable Benefit of Stupas by Lama Zopa

 Blessings of a Stupa by Tulku Sang Ngag Rinpoche

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo All rights reserved.


Confidence!  It’s back again.  Plan an entertainment for today and you’ll have a blast.  You’ve escaped a sticky situation and you’re in the mood to celebrate.  Still, a scenario appears that seems strangely familiar and reminiscent of something from long ago, and it is.  You are tempted to use problem-solving behaviors from the past, but avoid this because they won’t work.  The task now is to come up with brand new solutions to your problems.  A person or situation triggers knee jerk reactions that are unhelpful.  Try not to get pulled in.  What’s good today? your partner and close associates, and your new confidence.  Use it! Jane Wagner said, “Our lives are like soap operas.  We can go for months and not tune into them; then six months later we look in and the same stuff is going on.”  A soap opera is in play.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

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