Understanding the Seed and the Fruit

The following is an excerpt from a teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo called “Guru Yoga”

What makes Guru Rinpoche’s teaching, his path, different from others, different from other activities that we could do in our lives?  Well, if we want to attain wisdom, why don’t we just go get a card in the library?  Why don’t we just read everything there is to read?  Why don’t we just go through every book in the world?  Would we become wise then? Not necessarily, even from an ordinary point of view, because we would not have done anything about dispelling the fixation on phenomenal existence.  We would not have done anything about dispelling the fixation on self-nature as being inherently real.  We would do nothing about the delusion within our mindstreams.  We would simply have accumulated information. I know lots of people that are smart, but not too wise from a Buddhist point of view.  That is because the things that you can read from the library, the things that you can do in the world, arise from ordinary circumstances.  They are compiled, or made up, of ordinary things.  They can be collected.  They are things in phenomenal existence.

What comes from Guru Rinpoche does not come from an ordinary place.  What we receive from Guru Rinpoche in terms of teaching and blessing actually arises from the state of enlightenment.  It therefore has an extraordinary source.  And you always get apple trees from apple seeds.  If what he offers arises from the mind of enlightenment, then it will result in enlightenment.  It will bring about enlightenment.  It has the capacity to do so.

There’s no way you can get that blessing other than through extraordinary means. You can’t pay money to get it.  You can’t pay someone else to help you get it.  You can’t take a pill to get it.  You can’t eat the right foods to get it.  You can’t work for 40 hours a week for so many years in order to get it.  You can’t collect it.  And so we practice Guru Yoga in order to increase our faith and our certainty and our confidence in order to receive the blessing that actually arises from enlightenment.

If we understand the nature of the Guru, if we understand the nature of Guru Rinpoche as being these profound things that I have described in brief, then we can understand that by practicing Guru Yoga, one can achieve extraordinary result that can be had through no other means. But in order to do so, one has to meditate and really concentrate on what that blessing is, how it arises, and what it comes from.  One has to see the reality of Guru Rinpoche as being something more than superficial phenomenal appearance.  One has to understand in a more deep and profound way.

So the blessing we receive from Guru Yoga then depends on us.  How much time are we actually going to put into this consideration?  And how are we going to view it?  Are we going to continue to view Guru Rinpoche as somebody out there somewhere separate from ourselves who did something that affects us now?  That’s a very limited, very superficial, very ordinary view and it won’t get us very far.  We have to think about the nature of the Lama.  We have to think that this phenomenal appearance of the Lama in physical existence is due to the miraculous extraordinary compassion that comes from a fully enlightened mind, that is inseparable from a fully enlightened mind.  And we must understand that nature as being totally and completely realized, totally awake.  We must understand it as being completely revealed in display form, emptiness and luminosity, emptiness and compassion.  When we look at the Lama, when we see Guru Rinpoche, this is what we should understand.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Princess Mandarava Emanation of Primoridal Wisdom

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Everyone on twitter seems so excited about the Shorty awards. LOL! Does it make us better Buddhists? Typists? Or do we, as the name implies, just get SHORTER? Haha. I am 5’7″ and very happy being kinda tall. I don’t even know what the categories are. Except I’ve been nominated for Buddhism. It would be nice if there were awards for kindness, eithics, making a better world, you know – all that “sissy” stuff. That is the bottom line for me. That sappy stuff that really helps. Buddhism is, after all, a non-theistic system of ethics on many levels. To see Buddhism in USA these days, you would never know it. There should be a kinder, more ethical feel. I’m not perfect, but I’m trying my best to love without conditions like the sun does, in all directions, no prejudice, no concepts, just shine and pour!

Tonight I will quote from Guru Padmasambava, Rinpoche. This is from “The Lives and Liberation of Mandarava”

“Dissolving in the expanse of space like a rainbow, without remains,

She departed to the Akanishta Paradise of Pamavynha.

She transformed into the embodiment of the Supreme Consort, the secret Primordial Wisdom Dakini.

To the feet of Mandarava I supplicate!

Together with nine hundred pure awareness disciples,

after dissolving into a rainbow body, she manifested herself again for the benefit of others.

Mandarava emanated unceasingly, manifesting herself as a dakini to tame the minds of beings in every essential way.

To the feet of Mandarava, I supplicate!” Guru Padmasambava Rinpoche

This wonderful writing by Guru Padma was offered to me at the 20th anniversary of Ordination at the Rinchen Terzod. Also a dedication was offered; ” By our own impartial service to others may all beings attain Buddhahood together.” This is beautiful! This was how His Holiness Kyabje Penor Rinpoche taught, this is how I teach, this what my community has learned. And it is beautiful! EH MA HO!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Relying on the Guru in Degenerate Times

My life is a bridge between the East and the West. My intention is to keep the best of both worlds to function as one, without interference.

Yesterday, and today as well I feel exhausted and sick. I think it is the hate and vitriol, the harassment, constantly. Stress is a killer, so I rely on my practice, the kindness of my Sangha, friends and family for strength. With my practice and prayer I feel His Holiness Penor Rinpoche close to me, in the great expanse of the Dharmadhatu. He is my comfort, my treasure, my life! No one can understand unless they accomplish the Guru Yoga. Without Guru Yoga it is hard to attain realization in these degenerate times. Here we mix our mind with that of the Guru.

So we rely on the Guru in that fashion. Guru Yoga is not about “liking,” or any other personality concept. We rely on the Guru for every facet of awakening, from blessings to teachings to empowerment to guidance, all of it – which is a gift, as those without a Guru tend to run amuck.

Likewise, those who rely on an ordinary person with nice words become lost and damaged. We see a lot of that these days as was predicted by Guru Padmasambava – tough times with strange signs and false teachers with false teachings. I’d say the huge animal die offs are a sign.

In short I’ll say this. It’s time and beyond to find a pure teacher with pure Dharma and Practice, meditate, contemplate. Do the Dharma now!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Chime Tsog Thig

Guru Rinpoche and Consort Mandarava

Seven Line Prayer


On the northwest border of the country of Urgyen



In the pollen heart of a lotus



Marvelous in the perfection of your attainment



You are known as Lotus Born



And are surrounded by your circle of Dakinis



Following you I will practice



I pray you, come and confer your Blessings.



(Not translatable. Sacred words)

Chime Tsog Thig Mantra



The Chime Tsog Thig is a long-life practice of Amitayus and consort, Chendali, revealed by H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche. This is the practice accomplished in Maratika cave by Guru Rinpoche and Mandarava. Mandarava was the first of five main consorts of Padmasambhava, Guru Rinpoche. Said to be an emanation of White Tara, she was born a Princess in the 8th century in Northern India. At age 16, she and Padmasambhava together practiced in union in the cave of Maratika, fully realizing the longevity practices of Amitayus that had been hidden there as termas. The realization that came from this practice changed the course of spiritual history – making it possible to break the cycle of death & rebirth while in a human body. That practice, revealed by H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche, is known as “Chime Sog Thig.”

Can A Woman Give Empowerment?

An Announcement from Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I have some great news! When Lama Lobsang comes to KPC, he will teach me to give empowerment from Nam Cho Cycle!  This has been in the works for some time and I look forward to that. I will then travel more.  His Holiness Penor Rinpoche set this up before his Parinirvana, and I have the strong aspiration to fulfill HIS wishes! His Holiness Penor Rinpoche said, “What better source than Guru Rinpoche’s YUM?

I will give the Guru empowerments first. Then the Dakini! And then accomplish more. So exciting, when he comes I will begin the training. Paljor will help with translation. I will never be a speed-reader, though.

Sang Wisdom

Sang Wisdom to the Fire, “Warm me.” And he replied, “Breathe, Beloved,” for he knew her breath was fire too. So she did, and the cycle was complete.

Cried Wisdom to the fire, “Carry me.”  And he replied, “Sing, Beloved!”  For he knew that the sound of ecstasy was a song he had heard and never forgotten, once, and very soon again.  So she did. And the nectar of love filled the worlds.

Called Wisdom to the fire, “I cannot see you! Come to me!” And he replied, “Close your eyes, Beloved,” for he knew that Wisdom is innocent of time and space. So she did, and she remembered.

Thus the magical empowerment of the Divine Consorts was born again, and filled the worlds.

The sweetness tasted again of what has always been- ONE.

Written by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo on Nov 1996

May blessings prevail!

Root Teacher

From The Spiritual Path:  A Compilation of Teachings by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

Perception, or revelation, varies according to the capability of one’s own mind. A mind dulled by obstacles and obscurations can go to a holy place, hear a holy teaching, even bow to a holy one—and walk away unaffected. The mind that is quickened and ready can come and drink, perhaps not understanding what it has drunk, but at least knowing that this is true nourishment. The mind that is truly realized can perceive that upon every atom there are Buddhas beyond counting; that one’s own Root Teacher is the Dharmakaya Buddha come at last; that Guru Rinpoche is the emanation of pure compassion who made all of this possible; and that He has entered, in many forms, into all levels of cyclic existence. Such a mind can understand that every sound is the voice of the Precious Guru, that every breath of air is the movement of His teachings.

Any revelation that purifies the mind of duality and delusion, bringing forth the nectar of compassion from deep within you is the Precious Guru appearing once again. Any path such as Vajrayana, which leads to enlightenment in a definable, reliable way—is itself the appearance of the Precious Guru. If you achieve realization in this lifetime, that is Guru Rinpoche. If you hear a teaching, which brings enlightenment closer, that is Guru Rinpoche. If compassion is born in your heart so that you will spend your life practicing and praying for others and discovering within yourself all-pervading compassion, that is Guru Rinpoche. He is the Guru of compassion, the Guru of boundless light, the Guru of great love, the Guru of supreme medicine. He is the voice, the body, the mind, the heart, and the very embodiment of the all-pervading, compassionate nature of Dharmakaya. He continues to appear in a form that is accessible and real in every culture. He simply is. He is present within you now. Even as you read this, you can feel His presence. You can see Him in every part of your life. Strive at every moment to birth Him in your mind and heart. Pray never to be separate from the Three Precious Jewels and always, in every breath of air, to encounter the Precious Guru.

If you sincerely wish to end suffering in this and all other worlds, sincerely wish to root out the causes of suffering in your own mind, the Guru is active within you. In that sincere wish, He is calling you. Because of that sincerity, you will see Him. You will see Him even physically, for you will surely find an excellent and perfect Teacher. As Guru Rinpoche said, “I will come as your Teacher.” If your heart is pure and sincere, the Guru will appear before you.

In Vajrayana, even if your teacher is not enlightened, you can attain realization through pure faith, provided you seek only that which will cleanse all non-virtue from your mind, which will reveal the true, uncontrived face of Dharmakaya as your own face, and if you deeply wish to end the suffering of all sentient beings. Then your Teacher, even unrealized, will act upon you as Nirmanakaya Buddha. If with pure intention you accomplish your part of the bargain, you will find that your teacher is in fact Nirmanakaya Buddha. Your job is only to keep your heart pure. If you do not practice, if you deceive yourself in your practice, if you do not practice sincerely, or if you practice for the wrong reasons, not only have you accomplished nothing but you are only fooling yourself, for you will never see that precious face.

What is available to you now is the realization of the Precious Guru. He is the medicine for all ills, the end of suffering. He appears on this earth by the virtue of primordial nature and uncontrived mind. His virtue and nature are such that they are constantly revealed. They are all-pervasive. That is the truth of the Precious Guru. He appears upon the earth time and time again, in whatever form the karma of beings requires. He is food and drink, available the moment you feel hunger and thirst. He brings you the path to supreme enlightenment. He abides in all aspects of that path: the Teacher, the Sangha, and the Dharma. You cannot cut Him out of your mind, but you can ignore Him. Yet even after that, the moment you turn around, He is there.

I hope that this is helpful to you. If it can inspire even a little devotion in your heart and mind, it is worthwhile. Great devotion is necessary on this path, but we are too stiff most of the time. Do you remember the story of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples? That was an act of devotion, the perfect act of a Bodhisattva. We should all serve each other. We should care for others more than we care for ourselves. Devotion is the softener of hearts. It causes pride to be purified. It washes away the stiffness that accompanies egocentricity. Pure devotion itself can be a cause for realization. We should all engage in such holy activity, embodying the Precious Guru. Then, washing the feet of all sentient beings, we will finally understand our own true face.

© Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

Guru Rinpoche & the Inner Work of Vajrayana


In Dharma, one of the most important jobs we have is to fight and pacify our inner poisons. They are our inner demons, and that is the work.  At the same time we must enrich and grow our virtue, our good qualities. This is a mirror to the way Guru Padmasambhava entered Tibet.

When Guru entered Tibet he was met with Demons and local demi-gods. The Bon religion existed there and these demons were associated.  Guru Rinpoche defeated all of them with debate and miraculous powers, including flying above them. He won over some demons and made them holy protectors. Those unwilling to be oath bound were destroyed.

Then Guru Padmasambhava could enter Tibet. There he gathered translators and worked.  Guru Rinpoche translated Dharma from Sanskrit to Tibetan. Due to His power, purity and virtue Tibet became a great land of Dharma.

We must do the same thing in our own minds. Conquer our own demons and make the way for Dharma to take root. Then move forward and develop.

So Dharma is not a bland tutti-frutti faith and path. Vajrayana is meant to change one’s habits, non-virtues, so it is powerful. It can cut!

Vajrayana is potent, and should not be mixed with anything else. It cannot be changed or it loses its potency. And I can tell you it is not for the weak. It requires self-honesty and pure intention. It requires us to abandon the mentality of materialism and ordinary view.

Self-honesty can be brutal. Ask ANY recovering alcoholic. We are all addicts to samsara. We like the hit, the buzz, all of it.  So there is real inner work to be done. Can’t just sit and contrive “blissing out”- anyone can do that. The idea is this IS relative reality.

We ARE experiencing old age, sickness and death. So there MUST be a remedy SO POWERFUL to awaken us to Buddhahood! It ain’t Kansas anymore.

Spiritually we must break lifetimes of habit and confusion! That takes work, a dedicated life.  That is why Guru Padmasambava said Vajrayana is the right way for THIS time called Kaliyuga, the time of degeneration. And Enlightenment is more easily gained. As samsara is thick, so is the door of Liberation more firmly opened to those who work it.

This is the essence of THIS method. If you were my very own babe I would not, could not tell you different. This is the wisdom and clarity of the great Bodhicitta, the milk of awakening. From the very heart of Dharma, the Precious Guru, it is offered to you.


Return Beloved

Guru Rinpoche and Mandarava
Guru Rinpoche and Mandarava

The sky, deep and clear
Remind me of Your mind.
This great tree, having born much fruit
Remind me of Your life.
The water flowing through the land
The stream of benefit You brought.

My thoughts always return to You.
From the habit of so many lives
At Your feet. And Your eyes
Enchant me, as always, seen in memory.
I will always know You, and You me.
Only space between us. Only time.

Still I drink from Your deep well.
Nourished by Your great kindness.
And await the blessing of Your holy face.
Await the sound of Your holy steps.
The wonder of Your precious voice.

Oh, Beloved, Great Warrior, King of Light.
Return to me, to all who yearn for You!
Though You bless us still- return!
You are the beat of my heart, my joy!
You, my strength, my Guide, my source-
Led by example, I will benefit beings.
Following You, I will practice.
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