What Will You Give?

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Hammering on sentient beings for their “faults” or for their thoughts and opinions is unacceptable. The first reason is, the hurt it causes, and then because the persons judging and pointing are themselves flawed. Gossip and threats, puffed up judgments are a downfall. We should try to see the situation and indeed the world from other’s eyes. Chances are if we just strike out blindly, before walking in that person’s shoes for a mile or so we will likely be dead wrong on all accounts.

To avoid judging, gossip, hate etc requires a generosity of spirit. We must learn that generosity for ourselves, once we have been taught. We are rarely raised with such pristine ethics. And when we gain this kindness it is through the effort of changing our habitual tendencies. It takes work, work that few attempt, or stick to. We are afraid to be honest, afraid to open up, to care, we would rather step on others. Many think if they open, soften the heart,  they  will be duped, endangered and a total chump for being “vulnerable.” His Holiness the Dalai Lama says that warm heartedness, compassion, kindness are the basis for all spiritual paths.

Further we are encouraged to note and study the condition of samsara, and the actual suffering of beings. This too, takes courage! “Good grief!” we think. It will spoil my mood! Upset me! However if we do not follow this pith instruction we will have entirely missed the boat on the treasure, result and nectar of the Buddha Dharma. Not to mention the joy of a kinder, gentler world. And we all have that responsibility, not just the chosen few, not just His Holiness the Dalai Lama, but all of us.

I wish we could develop the view of being caretakers of the Planet, like the Native Americans and other indigenous tribal people do. They stay in touch with the natural world and in their own mystical way support and hold it. There is no excuse, no reason behind sitting on one’s duff and being of no help, only “tisk tisking” at everything. What will you give? We must all do what we can. Love and respect all equally and totally. Open the heart and mind so compassion truly pours forth, glorious to see. That will not make you weak or vulnerable or soft. It will make you love, and you will be greatly loved and respected as well. Try it!





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