
12/24/09 Thursday

Nothing is more satisfying than the good friends and groups that you meet with today.  You feel fortunate to know such happy and inspiring people.  Contact friends, family and those who have made you feel that you belong.  Set aside grievances and look at the big picture of your life.  Who has mattered to you?  This is a time for both sentiment about the past and planning projects for the future.  Something is leaving and something new is arriving.  Look to the future.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


12/23/2009 Wednesday

An end to something is very near.  Face facts directly and do what needs to be done, at the same time don’t be demoralized.  A partnership isn’t working out the way you planned.  It’s best to cut your losses.  You may need to go back and re-do something you thought you’d finished. You have a feeling of déjà vu and you are right.  You are getting an unparalleled chance to rectify a mistake or to improve something.  The theme is refining what has been done.  It’s good to work on things, but remember it will be more difficult to engage in a brand new direction.  You feel like a racehorse that is being held back or a leader who has to give a speech twice because the first take didn’t work.  Avoid escapist behavior.  Take a bath or watch a movie instead.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Guru Rinpoche & the Inner Work of Vajrayana


In Dharma, one of the most important jobs we have is to fight and pacify our inner poisons. They are our inner demons, and that is the work.  At the same time we must enrich and grow our virtue, our good qualities. This is a mirror to the way Guru Padmasambhava entered Tibet.

When Guru entered Tibet he was met with Demons and local demi-gods. The Bon religion existed there and these demons were associated.  Guru Rinpoche defeated all of them with debate and miraculous powers, including flying above them. He won over some demons and made them holy protectors. Those unwilling to be oath bound were destroyed.

Then Guru Padmasambhava could enter Tibet. There he gathered translators and worked.  Guru Rinpoche translated Dharma from Sanskrit to Tibetan. Due to His power, purity and virtue Tibet became a great land of Dharma.

We must do the same thing in our own minds. Conquer our own demons and make the way for Dharma to take root. Then move forward and develop.

So Dharma is not a bland tutti-frutti faith and path. Vajrayana is meant to change one’s habits, non-virtues, so it is powerful. It can cut!

Vajrayana is potent, and should not be mixed with anything else. It cannot be changed or it loses its potency. And I can tell you it is not for the weak. It requires self-honesty and pure intention. It requires us to abandon the mentality of materialism and ordinary view.

Self-honesty can be brutal. Ask ANY recovering alcoholic. We are all addicts to samsara. We like the hit, the buzz, all of it.  So there is real inner work to be done. Can’t just sit and contrive “blissing out”- anyone can do that. The idea is this IS relative reality.

We ARE experiencing old age, sickness and death. So there MUST be a remedy SO POWERFUL to awaken us to Buddhahood! It ain’t Kansas anymore.

Spiritually we must break lifetimes of habit and confusion! That takes work, a dedicated life.  That is why Guru Padmasambava said Vajrayana is the right way for THIS time called Kaliyuga, the time of degeneration. And Enlightenment is more easily gained. As samsara is thick, so is the door of Liberation more firmly opened to those who work it.

This is the essence of THIS method. If you were my very own babe I would not, could not tell you different. This is the wisdom and clarity of the great Bodhicitta, the milk of awakening. From the very heart of Dharma, the Precious Guru, it is offered to you.



12/22/2009 Tuesday

You may need to tend to serious or boring business today.  You’d rather stay in the light mood you’ve enjoyed recently, but today you need to work hard and keep your nose to the grindstone.  Finish up a job you’ve put off, wrap up your Christmas shopping.  You may need to face an unfortunate reality in the next three days.  Something you hoped to accomplish may not turn out as well as you wanted.  Help someone who has no capability of repaying you or helping you in return.  You can pay off a karmic debt today and only realize later that it has happened.  Groups keep on inspiring you but don’t use them to avoid your responsibilities. Work hard now and have fun later.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Advice for the Vajrayana Practitioner


When following the path of Vajrayana, there are steps one must take just as they are. They are the technology, or method.

Method must be accomplished as taught in each Lineage. If you mix it up, or combine with other methods there will be no result.

Some people sample Buddhism and mix it up with Hinduism, New Ageism, shamanism, etc. all are fine but Vajrayana should NEVER be mixed.

Vajrayana Masters say this constantly. If mixed with other views purity and potency are watered down, so no benefit. Samaya is ruined.

Practitioners are constantly warned to follow step by step until true realization. If one simply dabbles, Vajrayana is not for you.

Each step is practiced until accomplished for the benefit of sentient beings- it is said one is of benefit when enlightened.

Many people through ordinary human kindness can be helpful; but not like a Buddha, Supreme Guide.

Until one reaches tenth Bhumi level, one can still fall to the lower realms, revolving in confusion and lost in delusion, how sad.

To say Enlightenment is not possible, or is irrelevant is false Dharma. Even if one means well, this is spiraling downward.

Please abandon such wrong view and wrong activity, you are harming others! This is not kind. Not what Buddha taught.

Guru Rinpoche the peerless Vajra Master taught like this; that with intense practice one can attain realization in this life. EMAHO!

NEVER abandon that promise made by Guru Padmasambava at the very cost of your life! It is the great hope of humankind.

These are the sacred unalterable truths of Dharma, of Tantric Buddhism, and if polluted, are polluted for all

This is why Lineage is essential; to hold and confer the Dharma in pure succession, untainted, from a pure Lineage Master!

Following the path of Vajrayana purely, one will never be duped, or confused, the way is as straight as an arrow!

May pure Dharma, even in these dark times always be available to the sea of beings as vast as the sky! May we never abandon Bodhicitta!


12/21/2009  Monday

This is a major day for art and creativity.  You are emotionally happy and expansive. You feel inclusive as opposed to restrictive toward others.  Make a new friend.  Call someone.  Initiate something new today.  Spirituality, creativity and love align on this day.  Any creations have a special magic.  You look at what you have done and are surprised by its beauty.  Men or authority figures turn serious later in the day, and they start wondering how they will be remembered after they’re gone.  You may need to encourage someone who is focusing on one mistake in the past as opposed to a lifetime of good effort.  If that person is you, take the same advice.  See the big picture and be happy.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


12/20/2009  Sunday

Groups inspire and invigorate you and they make you happy. Get together with close friends or people with similar interests. Have a brunch or a party for a special person.  This is a good party day; don’t stay home or you will have missed out on fun.  You could feel lingering disappointment or attachment to the attraction you felt yesterday.  It will fade suddenly.  Anyone left out of a situation will feel snubbed and anger could flare. Try to keep your eye open for an outlier, someone who isn’t part of things, and bring that person into the group. That person is a leader.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


12/19/2009   Saturday

Nothing much happens during the early part of the day.  This is a good time to relax, be with the family, tidy up the house, or finish a work project from last week.  Later in the day a communication or interaction stabilizes your emotions and you can clearly see what you need to do to accomplish your goal.  This is a “eureka!” moment, an “aha!” that clears up a mystery.  Mathematics, science or machines prove helpful. Measurements and calculations are straight and true.  This is a science day.  Learn something new.  Think high tech, machines, etc.   In the romantic arena you could have a sudden attraction to someone, but it fizzles.  Don’t bother.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Refuge and Bodhisattva Vows



I take refuge in the Lama.

I take refuge in the Buddha.

I take refuge in the Dharma.

I take refuge in the Sangha.

The Bodhisattva Vow

I dedicate myself to the liberation and salvation of all sentient beings.  I offer my body, speech, and mind in order to accomplish the purpose of all sentient beings.  I will return in whatever form necessary, under extraordinary circumstances to end suffering.  Let me be born in times unpredictable, in places unknown, until all sentient beings are liberated from the cycle of death and rebirth.

Taking no thought for my comfort or safety, precious Lama (Buddha), make of me a pure and perfect instrument by which the end of suffering and death in all forms might be realized.  Let me achieve perfect enlightenment for the sake of all beings.  And then by my hand and heart alone, may all beings achieve full enlightenment and perfect liberation.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Does a healthy family mean living longer?

Does a healthy family mean living longer?

Original hexagram is Water over Heaven; 5
The Expansion is Lake over Heaven; 43
The Kernel is Water over Fire; 63 BY WAY OF Water over Fire; 63

Our families whether they be our birth families, spiritual families or immediate families, they are a part of our destiny.  It is best if we do not rush but rather allow the natural unfolding of our family, and family to be. Having family builds our character, and to a large degree dictates our moral compass.  And, family has a way of showing us our truth, bringing self honesty to the open.

It is with family that we gain a deeper understanding of union, and contributing toward the common good.  This understanding leads to progress and a shedding of ego, cultivating generosity and compassion for others. Having family is virtuous is many ways, and absolutely can contribute to living a long and healthy life, when the family is in harmony.

In life there are times when everything appears to be in balance, and then it flips.  Family helps us learn how to bite through obstacles and weather the storms of life.  Family helps us make difficult transitions, grow and develop, and ideally supports us with our journeys.

When the family, whether it be birth, immediate, spiritual or otherwise; whatever family is to us, when in balance and harmony, can be rewarding and bring a lot of joy to our lives, which lends itself to longevity.

To learn more about what the I Ching is about, visit our I Ching page!

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