Advice from the Heart

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

It is very important, before one’s death, that we pay back as much karmic debt as possible. And pay forward all gifts. OM AH MI DEWA HRI

When one’s self becomes more important than one’s practice, one has failed. Stop. Go back and do it right. OM BENZAR SATO HUNG

We seem to act as if there were no such thing as cause and effect. That we will never grow old. Or never die. What dream is this?

There is no fear in death if one has prepared well. Wither it comes fast or slow we must prepare. We should die as meditators.

We act as if someone else were responsible for purifying our inner poisons, or purifying our mind streams. It is for ourselves alone to do.

No one can grant us happiness from the outside. Happiness is a habit to be cultivated.

© Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo


11/20/2010     Saturday

You feel like pressing your opinions on people who seem to desperately need your advice.  Hold off a bit, and someone will give you advice! A flurry of unsolicited opinion is falling like snow!  A type of zealotry is afoot, where everyone is certain they know the truth.  If you must advise someone, advise yourself.  James Baldwin said, “Life is like a water wheel.  It turns.  The trick is to hold your nose when you’re under and not get dizzy when you’re up.”  Right now it’s not clear whether you’re under or up. Take it easy, rest, have a good meal, and be nice to advice givers.  Don’t drive too fast.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Pearls of Wisdom

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I’ve found if there is bitter enmity that all suffer. The best thing to do is just walk away, agree to disagree.

For one’s physical and emotional health abandon conflict. If the other parties do not follow suit protect oneself. And walk away.

The best way to have happiness that is stable is to spend your life in Compassionate activity, helping others with no thought of reward.

Prayer every day is absolutely essential for mental relaxation. As is meditation, contemplation, making offerings.

Suffering in part is due to dualistic perception. In the view all is the Celestial Mandala of the yidam. Separation makes hope and fear.

All material things are illusory, impermanent. We cannot even take even one grain of rice at death. Put your practice as your true wealth.

Gratitude is the bread and water for one’s spirit! One must try to see the good in all. Or one’s spirit grows dark.

© Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo


11/19/2010     Friday

Good shopping today!  You are emotionally satisfied with what you buy or sell.  What you eat determines your sense of well being, so feed yourself well.  A situation with a man or a person of authority is well resolved early in the day.  Later, you float about tending to business as usual.  A special quality of mental acuteness is present today.  Your mind works fast, and you make quick decisions. Be careful that you don’t speak in a sharp or cutting way.  You don’t realize what you’re doing, but the look on another’s face tells the story.  Or you may be the recipient of sharp speech.  Speak up!   Say “Ouch!” and the other person will back off.  Nate McConnell said, “The whole is the sum of the parts.  Be a good part.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


11/18/2010     Thursday

An exciting new development is here!  A door opens, one you hadn’t thought of before.  Go in, it’s a winner.  Good fortune depends on your energetic exploration of new avenues.  The new points to the future.  Beware of trying to “stick with tradition.”  There’s nothing traditional about what’s happening.  Give yourself time to become accustomed to the change that has occurred.  The game shifted faster than your ability to keep up emotionally.  Spend time talking over and getting used to the situation.  Joseph Campbell said, “We must be willing to get rid of the life we planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Navigating Kaliyuga

Talk about disappointing. I hear a “monk” stole the robes and ritual items from a monk I know. This is a Buddhist? Has he even heard of Vinaya? Vinaya is the code of conduct for the Ordained at all levels. It was laid down by Lord Buddha Himself. To steal another monk’s robes is heinous! My conclusion is this was a thug dressed as a monk, a rogue monk who thinks he is somehow superior to Vinaya, or a mentally ill person. Perhaps this Monk was uneducated. Though in order to wear robes one must learn the Vinaya or cannot observe the conduct. All this is troubling,

And a sign of how confused Spirituality is now. How totally off the mark – fake teachers everywhere, giving confusion rather than wisdom.

This is truly the time of Kaliyuga – dark. True Dharma is not easy to find. The teaching is that eventually Buddhas and Bodhisattvas will not be able to return because there is not enough merit. So this evening I hope to tweech on merit: why, what how, and how one goes about gathering it

So please stay tuned for tonight’s tweeching, assuming all goes well. See you there!

© Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo


11/17/2010     Wednesday

The wind has changed!  You are excited and energetic, smart as a whip and ready to tackle anything!  If you blast off you will run directly into a brick wall of opposition.  Back up, change your focus a bit, and you will see the open door.  Miles Vorkosigan said, “You are what you do.  Choose again, and change.”  Success is very much in the air these days, yet you still need to keep your wits about you.  Pay close attention to all the different factors in the equation, and you will navigate the day with ease.  An energetic attitude, a go-for-it energy, is present and life is fun and interesting.  You aren’t afraid of hard work.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Dharma in the West

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo (@jalpalyul)

We must reach for a planet with no violence and no hate. We must learn to respect.  We are the western Tibetan Buddhist community. If we cannot display love and compassion, tolerance and understanding, who will?

From the first time the Buddha sat, he taught not to harm others.  The first turning of the dharma wheel – purify. Do no harm. The second turning – the Bodhicitta, both relative and ultimate.  The third turning of the dharma wheel – establish view – emptiness of phenomena, the nature of mind.

At any moment on earth there are always 80 great Mahasiddhas. Always pray and make offerings to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas!

In Mahayana the two “eyes” of method are relative bodhicitta and ultimate bodhicitta. Both are necessary and essential. One is like giving what is essentially built from samsara. The other, ultimate, arises from Buddhanature. If you could feed poor folks and care for them for the rest of their lives; if you were that rich; it would still be relative and ordinary, although fabulous! To attain supreme enlightenment and return to teach others how to exit samsara, that is the ultimate bodhicitta and the ultimate enlightenment. To return until all are liberated, this is the ultimate aspiration and result!

© Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo


11/16/2010     Tuesday

Happy Day!  Peaceful, joyous, in tune with everything.  Things are going well.  You are emotionally expansive, generous and full of goodwill toward all.  Artistic pursuits are favorable, medical procedures are favorable.  A sense of dreamy relaxation is in the air, as well as a wish to escape from everything.  Don’t try to cut corners or slack off.  Don’t try to “pull a fast one.” An air of success tempts you to let down your guard in a way you’d never consider when things aren’t going your way. The Dalai Lama said, “Think of other people, serve other people.  No cheating.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


11/15/2010     Monday

What a day!  The perfect alignment of expansion and authority brings excellent progress today.  You can move forward toward a long awaited success.  Your goal is within reach.  At the same time you are excitable, moody and testy.  Tempers can flare, yours included.  Sometimes success is harder to take than failure, especially if your moods don’t line up with how you think you should feel. Focus on others.  Maya  Angelou said, “It  may be in fact utterly impossible to be successful without helping another person to become successful.”  Happiness lies in this direction.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

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