Truly Helping

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

When a person is mentally unbalanced, raging, obsessive behavior, they need professional help. They do not need enabling, which is more like “idiot compassion” in that the ill person never actually gets help.

Many times they make constant claims and display pitiful behavior, or rage on and nag, etc. We all do that childish stuff once in a while, but if the patient cannot stop or help themselves it is a sickness and intervention is needed. Usually a psychiatrist or caseworker is needed, especially if the patient has history of illness, or is the kind that harms themselves and/or others. Don’t participate in the sickness. They need help, not enabling. Don’t try to be a hero. Try not to make it about what you want. Tough love is good. Compliance with an illness is actually selfish. Wrong behavior needs to stop; one can be loving in a firm way, offering boundaries to those too sick to recognize any. Do what is needed, not what is easy. These people crave attention for poor performance. Don’t play. Get them the help they need before they hurt themselves or others. That is the best way.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo. All rights reserved

Prayer to Be Reborn in Dewachen

Download the Prayer to Be Reborn in Dewachen

Prayer to Be Reborn in Dewachen

With a longing to benefit beings who are sick and dying, Jetsunma created a song called “Prayer to Be Reborn in Dewachen.” This is a traditional prayer to Amitabha, the Buddha of Limitless Light, from the P’howa practice of the Longchen Nyigthig tradition. P’howa is the meditation practice for the time of death, and Amitabha is the deity to be visualized in that meditation.  “Dewachen” refers to the state of consciousness in which one experiences a pure land and the opportunity to accomplish liberation.

Jetsunma said,  “When I listened to this tune, I realized that it was like a mother singing her child to sleep, which really was my motivation when I sang that song.  I know that everyone that I love, I will be parted from someday.  Everyone that I meet will die some day.  I wish there was some way that they could be guided through the bardo individually.  And the best response that I know of is this prayer.”

Any being who listens to this prayer receives a blessing, whether Buddhist or non Buddhist, human or animal.  It is especially soothing for those who are chronically or acutely ill, or who are on the precipice of dying.  You can help beings by making this prayer heard by as many people and as many animals close to their death as possible.  It is available here:  Prayer to Be Reborn in Dewachen


A job well done opens the door to a new project and good fortune beckons. You are in work mode and you’re critiquing everything you come across. It’s better to withhold your suggestions unless someone asks for your opinion. If it’s not a work situation and your opinion is requested, think before you speak!  If it’s a medical situation, know what you’re talking about or else don’t give advice. If it’s an emotional situation, give comfort and resist the temptation to criticize. Do not say “The reason this always happens to you is because……”  Of course if someone says “Why does this always happen to me?” the door is open to your tactful advice. See others as like children in their ability to absorb criticism and you won’t go wrong. Clare Boothe Luce said “There are no hopeless situations; there are only people who have grown hopeless about them.” Be encouraging and loving.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


Men and women are not in tune early today. Proud feelings generate a poor response in those exposed to them, so stifle yourself or someone will do it for you. Stand on formality and you almost can’t go wrong. Emotional restraint is advised this morning. Of course, you won’t feel like restraining yourself. A Chinese epigram says “If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow.” Keep working. You can’t be temperamental while you’re writing your report or putting in time on the job. When you’re ready to call it a day the mood will have passed. A last minute burst of work or correction to a project is just outstanding. Bravo!

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Some “Italian Wisdom”

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

There is no one more miserable than he who cannot love. And nothing more vulgar then lying about it. When faced with many sides of one story, I look at the history, then observe the result. It’s easy to see, all in full equations.

Were I to fail at all else, I know I have loved, and made others feel safe and happy.

For reasons unknown to me, some people enjoy being immature, making fun of others, lying, hating, hurting, a sick soup of mental illness. In time, all suffer from this sickness, not just the hater, but his victims too. In the end the sickest suffer.

And so I must pass on some ancient Italian wisdom. “Never shit where you eat.” (Or out the same pie hole.)

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo.  All rights reserved


Women are beautiful and impressive. Dress up for the occasion today, since appearance makes all the difference. Enjoy yourself and show that you have self respect and respect for others. A diplomat or partner is impressed by your dignity and this opens a new door. Formality is helpful too. But do not use the occasion or the day to ask for financial support. Why not? The answer is no. It’s a “show” day, not a money day. If you have a ball gown or tuxedo, get it out and wear it. Happy communication is opening doors. Publishing, legal matters and spiritual things are excellent today. Be self aware today. Henri Arnold said “The wise person questions himself, the fool others.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Troy Parrots Still in Danger: Please Help!

The following appeal was submitted by Claire Waggoner of the Garuda Avairy

You may remember a tremendous amount of effort put towards saving the Troy Parrots in Ohio last August.  While it is beyond imagining  that this situation remains unresolved,   10 parrots  are  in danger of being returned to the man who practically killed them,  and the heroes that tried to help them are in danger of facing legal charges.   There are two petitions we are asking you to PLEASE sign right now to help save the still endangered TROY PARROTS and to help those that continue to work to help them.

Here they are. Again, please sign them both.

Prevent the further abuse of companion parrots.

To Governor Kasich, Mayor Beamish and Honorable Gary Nasal :


Drop all charges against Miami Valley Bird Club Rescue, Dr Brauer, and Jim Tinnell.

To: Prosecutor Gary Nasal, Attorney General Mike Dewine, Prosecutor Lenee Brosh

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