
If you feel scattered, all over the place, it’s because you are.  Demands come from multiple directions today.  As soon as one thing is finished something else pops up, and it comes from an entirely different place. You work hard and then you need to rest and pull in.  You express yourself energetically, and someone bats you down or criticizes you.  Everyone is having an attack of ego, and it’s hard to know who to listen to and who to let slide.  Do your best today, then go home and watch TV.  Happiness comes from family and dear ones.  Do not neglect an emotional appeal; someone really needs your support.  Winston Churchill said, “It’s not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what’s required.”  Everything is required today.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Change for the Benefit of Others

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Well, moving again is dreadful. But photos and thangkas are hung! Looks like a temple in itself, very uplifting. We’re getting there!

I look forward to being settled and put away. Happy to be at KPC but very cramped. But whatever benefits is lovely. My Religion!

I’m fortunate to have been gifted many gorgeous thangkas, sacred images, statues, etc. I give many to KPC but also save many for gifts.

If, we develop a good heart we will progress to true compassion, and awaken Bodhicitta. This is the way of the Buddha’s method. For those kind to me, I hope they are treated well.

I will get photos made and tweeted.



You may still be smarting from an obstacle you met yesterday, but fear not it’s gone.  A partner or another force keeps coming up with problems or different solutions that you must take into consideration.  You just want to GO FOR IT but you can’t.  Inventiveness is high and so is creativity.  Remember the ideas that come into your head, you’ll use them later.  A nice neighbor is on your side, and pleasant conversations characterize the day.  Talk!  Communication is healing and so is touch and happiness is here.  Winston Churchill said, “From now on, ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not put.”  Not rocket science, but humor brings joy today.  People feel silly.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


Dreamland!  You want to stay there.  It’s hard getting out of bed today, and you’re tempted to play sick and stay home.  Or you may have caught a bug.  A relaxed, inward energy is present.  If you must go out, make it quick.  Help those who are suffering.  Medicines are healing and doctors are extra sensitive today.  Be careful not to push someone who is going too slowly for your taste.  That person is solving the problems of the universe!  Meditate, relax and spend as much time alone as possible.  Others may ask to join you.  And a higher up might be one of them!  Say yes!  Everyone needs a break occasionally. An offhand comment hurts feelings.  Be sensitive.  Madame de Stael said, “Life is not so short but there is always time for courtesy.”  Be courteous as you lounge about.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


A diplomat creates agreement between opposing factors, and mutual friendship is the common ground.  If you’re at loggerheads with someone, explain both sides to a third party who is friendly with both.  It’ll work!  Being heard, understood and respected is the deepest need of each contingency.  Provide these things to everyone you meet today.  Someone is feeling shut down and ignored.  You will recognize that person by their insistent demeanor. This is an excellent day for friendship and groups.  Go out, have a party, call a friend!  David Augsburger said, “The golden rule of friendship is to listen to others as you would have them listen to you.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


You will have an absolute ball with friends and groups today, all you have to do is show up.  Cheerful conversations and declarations of affection and love abound.  Put yourself in the middle of this happy time if possible.  Go for a drive, a walk or sit with a chatty friend and you’ll enjoy yourself.  Bring your partner, who is still over- burdened in some way.  Important connections are being forged.  At the same time, you must check dates, facts and pretty much everything.  A Chinese proverb says, “If you must play, decide on three things at the start; the rules of the game, the stakes, and the quitting time” – excellent advice for today.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

The Courage of Dharma Teachers: from “Gurus for Hire Enlightenment for Sale” by Tsem Tulku Rinpoche


The following is respectfully quoted from “Gurus for Hire Enlightenment for Sale” by Tsem Tulku Rinpoche (@tsemtulku on twitter):

His Holiness 101st Gaden Tri Rinpoche has told us that teachers who teach the Dharma today are very brave, very courageous and have compassion for the world because they dare tell the truth, kindly, without harming.

If you want to hear nice words, you can get that anywhere. You can pay a nice pretty girl to tell you all types of nice things. If you shout loud enough, you can get your partners to tell you nice things too, because they want you to stop shouting.

If I were really interested in just extorting things from you, if I were the type of person that was here solely for the motivation of getting material gains, finances and self-gratification, then I would never scold anyone, never tell anyone off, not criticize, not ostracize, not ignore; If students missed a commitment, I would not say a word. I would say it is okay. Let them think that they are doing Dharma and never say anything if they are not.

Some students complain, “Rinpoche’s not compassionate, he doesn’t talk to me!” If I wanted things from you, wouldn’t I talk to you? I want those cheques! I want the nice things! I want more cars, I want more buildings, I want another diamond ring!!! So wouldn’t it behove me to be nice to you? To write you nice e-mails that say you are wonderful, you are fabulous, you are reaching the third level Bodhisattvahood?

If you want to extort money from your students, here’s the recipe: do not shout at them, do not tell them they are going the wrong way, do not slap them, do not scream at them and do not ignore them for more than one hour. Tell them they are fabulous and they are advanced. The biggest secret is to tell people that they are a reincarnation of something. That is the secret ingredient to becoming a high, famous Rinpoche anywhere in the world!

Why would I tell you to do your sadhana if you did not wan to do it? Why would I criticize people, tell them off, give them dirty looks if they do not come for teachings or force them to go to prayers? Why should I (or any Guru) do that to you if I wanted money, respect and help from you?

If a Guru has big sponsors and he ignores them, he does not see them, call them, talk to them or eat with them, is that the right way to get more money from his big sponsors? Or is it that he is trying to impart the Dharma to them? You must check if it matches.

Also, to talk nicely and eloquently in a class situation is great but I believe in “after-sales service”! That is to make sure the students are doing their mantras and their visualizations, to make sure the students are holding their commitments and vows, to make sure that when they slip I can get them back on the path, be it by jokes, fun, scolding, fears, wrath, peace or any other way.

A lot of people find that to be very comforting, caring and very nice. One or two people feel that the after-sales service is pressure, that it is focusing on them, nitpicking or pointing out their mistakes but that is not my intention. We can soothe people’s minds and teach their minds, but we have to realize their level, understand their minds and where they are right now. Then we slowly take care of them, nurture them, give them love and care.

Sometimes love and care can be wrathful and fierce. Sometimes I run the risk that the people to whom I am wrathful, fierce and direct with will retaliate, fight back, ignore, avoid, or dislike me. I feel very sorry if they do that but if I have used a fierce and wrathful method, it means that I must have used the peaceful method many times and it did not work.

If you are hanging off the edge of a cliff and I need help to get you off, I will need to scream very loudly for help. In that way, if you are breaking your commitments, you samaya or your practices, of course I will “scream”, I will intervene and intercede. If I do not, do not call me a Guru, a teacher, or a Dharma instructor. Do not even call me a human being.

I need to intercede, I need to talk, I need to say things and because you do not have a Buddhist-conscious background — where the Guru just needs to say one sentence or one word — saying it simply and gently is probably not going to work. Students around the world, outside of Buddhist countries, require tremendous explanation, cajoling, jokes and a tremendous number of methods to educate their minds about Buddhist culture — which took millenniums to be established — within a few years.

The bottom line is if people are not doing their commitments, then whether they belong to another Guru or not, if they are in my territory, in my center, I will tell them what is right and what is wrong, with respect to their Dharma practice and their Gurus.

From “Gurus for Hire Enlightenment for Sale” by Tsem Tulku Rinpoche


Challenges of Dharma in the West

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

In Tibet I feel the people raised as Buddhist are far more sophisticated then we are. Even ordinary people are raised with compassion and taught the sense of cause and result, the truth of gathering merit, virtue /non-virtue and such.

We in the west have to deal with the concept that our opinions are more relevant, and never have the opportunity of the peace of monastic life and Lama’s guidance  and wisdom. Buddhism has to operate with nickel and dime methods. That doesn’t happen when there are generous supporters who give for the merit. In the west we are fairly ignorant and lacking in the faith it takes to perform Guru Yoga, the very heartbeat of Vajrayana successfully. And while we have the freedom to practice, we don’t have the background for wisdom.

Rather than take method seriously, we just doubt and try to make ourselves arrogantly higher than the Lama, and even the Dzogchen Masters. This is a root downfall, and will have a very poor result. The mind and body will suffer in this and future lives. And it will seem as though all is lost, with the reason unknown.

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