The Root Teacher: Cutting Through Concepts and Giving Rise to Compassion

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

It never ceases to amaze me how many meditators and Buddhists continuously argue that altruism and compassionate activity are not part of the Buddha Dharma. And that one need not develop virtuous qualities or purify in any way. That one need not do charitable good works or even offer even ordinary human kindness. In Vajrayana Buddhism conduct is just as important, and going beyond that one must pacify their inner poisons. So this is harmful thinking and will only muddy the waters. There is a kind of arrogance that has students thinking there is simply no work to be done on the path whatsoever. Or worse, that one has learned many intellectual concepts about Dharma (and can quote them over and over) so that one is “locked in” to their own learning and intellectualism and cannot see they have totally lost their way.

Then there are those who have decided that the practice of Guru Yoga is not necessary to achieve liberation. Not so. Guru Yoga is the heart essence of Vajrayana. Compassion and altruism are the very heart of Buddhism. If one tries to change that one is no longer practicing the Vajra path. If one guts the Dharma as it was passed purely from Guru to disciple there is a terrible breakage of the Buddha’s great intention as re-installed by Guru Padmasambhava when he brought Vajrayana to Tibet.

Now the newest “fad” (sad) in Vajrayana is to throw out the Tulkus and Lineage Masters entirely. How then, would the teachings and traditional wang transmissions be passed on? From student to student based on their promise to keep it free of defilement? That is a joke, if you know American Pride and self love. Have you seen what passes for wholesome Dharma on the internet? Some pure ones are there. Mostly there are self-serving people looking for adoration and praise while offering nothing.

There are many who feel one can truly understand Dharma from books. Books and traditional text is needed and most be studied. However the Guru, the very root of accomplishment is the greatest necessity in order to achieve any result. And it isn’t enough to repeat like a parrot the quotes of one’s teacher. How shallow! One uses only the quotes one likes best. You know, that fit the old lifestyle, and are hip.

Re-making the Dharma is the most heinous breakage of samaya with the Three Jewels, and with the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the ten directions. Upon bringing Tantrayana; Vajrayana to Tibet, Guru Padmasambhava said “I will appear as your Root Guru, and will remain as you call for me.” How does one do away with that blessing, that method, so sacred? Not without consequences, and dire ones at that. It is like feasting with a hollow gutted corpse, instead of sitting to the feast as the bride of the precious Guru in honor and dignity. Unwavering in pure love!

And how does one tear the heart out of Dharma by having no pure intention, just another bloated ego to feed. Without Bodhicitta there is no Dharma recognizable to any Buddha! The two precious eyes of Buddhadharma, Mahayana, are wisdom and compassion. If one neglects kindness and compassion one has forgotten the instruction of every qualified Guru since Guru Padma at the beginning of every teaching or empowerment: motivation. “This I do for the liberation and salvation of all sentient beings from the endless wheel of death and rebirth.” This is why we practice Buddhism – to benefit all sentient beings. This can never change until all beings are liberated.

If one has to climb up over the corpses of those weaker to feel special or precious, if this sticks here in the west in these modern times, we really are at the crossroads, where blessings are lost; where corruption is the flavor of the times. And we are lost, utterly lost. We cannot allow this. One should follow the Root Guru purely – even at the cost of one’s very life. I take this seriously. So I will never stop, never shut up. Plot against me? Okay. But I will never stop preserving the Dharma for the future. I will never break Guru Padmasambhava’s great blessing. I am for you, beloveds as He is. Until all are free!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

The Test

An excerpt from a teaching called The Dharma of Technology by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

You should come to respect the root of Dharma, which is bodhicitta or compassion, as the most profound teaching at whatever level you are practicing.  You should come to understand that if you accomplish only that, then you have a right to wear your robes and you have a right to call yourself a Buddhist.  But it is by far the most difficult of all of the vows. You have to think about compassion like this.

If you can pass this test, then you have accomplished Dharma, even if you don’t know how to do a single mudra or ring a bell, even if you don’t have any arms or legs to do it.  Here is the test.  Ask yourself,  “If Lord Buddha Amitabha came to me right now, giving me an opportunity and saying, ‘I’m going to make you a deal.  You could take on all the suffering of all the six realms, every bit of suffering that every sentient being carries, meaning that you have to take on and absorb all the causes of their suffering – hatred, greed and ignorance, desire.  I can give you that, and you could take all of that onto yourself and absorb it completely so that you will suffer endlessly in the most extreme, horrible way until time has run out and in doing that there would be no more suffering in the six realms.’”  Would you do it?

When you hear me say this, you are going to say yes.  You get carried away with emotions.  But if Lord Buddha Amitabha really appeared to you, red and sitting on his lotus, and he really said that to you and he showed you the condensed suffering of all the six realms and you knew that the six realms of cyclic existence appear to be like an endless ocean, and have been going on for uncountable eons, then if you had to accept all that suffering onto yourself, knowing that your mind had to change from the nice thing that you think it is now into a monster filled with hatred, greed and ignorance from all the six realms, but in doing that all of the six realms would be emptied, would you do it?   If you were shown this horrible poison of suffering, this cauldron, this endless sea of suffering and Lord Buddha said to you, “Eat it for their sake and become for an uncountable amount of eons a horrible thing suffering in agony for their sake.”  Would you do it?  Would you open your mouth and start eating?  More than that, would you be happy about it?  Would you be able to do that?

You should try it sometime.  You should test yourself in that way by really thinking that it is possible.  Would you take on every bit of the suffering?  Would you become so grossly misshapen and ugly because of the grossness of all of that suffering?  Would you become so unrecognizable to what you are now?  Would you be willing to do that, knowing that as a result there would be nothing in the six realms of cyclic existence except for you?  There would be nothing.  There would be no more suffering.  The karma of all of those minds, uncountable minds would be purified so that they were free of desire, free of all karma.  Would you bite the big one?

If you think that you would do that, then you know less about yourself than you think.  But to accomplish Dharma you have to get to that point where you would gladly, joyfully, willingly start to eat an ocean of suffering for their sake.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved


2/12/2011     Saturday

Amazing day, wonderful day!  You have the ability to say, think or do THE THING that is needed for success.  You, or people you engage with, are intelligent and agile mentally.  This is an excellent day for negotiations, conversations, ideas and communications.  Go somewhere, drive around, ideas appear as you move about. Take a short distance trip.  You can receive excellent news.  Spend time with siblings, neighbors, or people who are good conversationalists or writers.  Buy a new car or phone.  Get your book published, give a speech.  You pretty much can’t fail.  This mode exists side by side with a magnetic love situation.  Just like life itself, where we’re multi-tasking all the time.  You really can do it all today, so get moving.  “Lively Up Yourself” as Bob Marley said.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


2/11/2011     Friday

Groups and friends are extremely magnetic and compelling.  Group activity is powerful, and it can make a real change in the tides of time.  You can’t be debated or coerced out of your principles.  Join with people who think as you do, there are more of you than you realized.  You can come up with an idea that represents a breakthrough that opens a door you didn’t see before.  At the same time, beware of a tendency toward escapism, and definitely avoid people who encourage you to engage in dangerous activities that they won’t do.  Don’t be a pawn in somebody else’s game.  This is a tricky time, and you need to keep your wits about you.  Keep your head, hold your ground, and continue to participate in things as they come.  Love is still fascinating, and you can have fun with surprising people.  Dale Carnegie said, “People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.”  How about you?

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


2/10/2011     Thursday

Take a trip on a train or plane.  Work on a computer, watch TV, enjoy modern technology.  Science is really cracking these days, and if your field involves invention or groups you are moving forward.  A question of finances needs to be answered.  Ideas must be tied to material realities, and the cash needs to be on hand to pay for things.  It’s tempting to say, “It’ll work out” as you sign on the dotted line, but be very careful not to buy something you can’t afford.  Someone feels lazy or needs to be cared for at the exact moment that you’re wrapped up in your exciting ideas.  Change gears, even though you don’t want to.  You can invent something new tomorrow.  Charles Darwin said, “It’s not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives.  It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.”  Change today.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

The Guru in Vajrayana

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

In Buddhism there are many levels of study and practice. And I speak, here, generally; in a way digestible to a general audience without much specific training in Buddhism.

For instance, in Vajrayana alone there are many levels. Preliminary, Ngondro, is like boot camp where gross defilements are pacified. Intermediate practice, mostly (but not all) consists of generating the Meditational Deity in order to develop enlightened qualities. Next is Dzogchen which also has many levels and leads to direct experience, leads to awakening (if one practices well with diligence.) And even with all this one still has the responsibility of purifying the five main poisons.

As I said, there are three main levels amongst the many methods the Buddha taught. Some during his life, others came with the great Guru Padmasambava and later the tertons he passed his treasures to. And there are many great realized masters that followed the great Guru. The other main levels are Theravaden, and Mahayana.

In Theravaden the main focus is on the Vinaya precepts, the rules by which the ordained community abide by. Even lay people have precepts to fulfill. The main focus is purification.

Then there is Mahayana, where the Bodhisattva Vow is the main vow. It does not abandon the Vinaya, but builds on it and in so doing changes focus. In strict Vinaya a monk must never touch a woman. In Mahayana the focus is Bodhisattva Vow (compassion) and here is an example:

A monk sees a woman lying by the road injured and in great distress. A Mahayana monk must help her out of compassion, and to do so he must touch her. His duty is to help.

Next Vajrayana, the seat of Dzogchen and pure view goes even further and not only includes Mahayana’s great Compassion, but also includes Vinaya, while developing in a deeper and quite profound Way. In Vajrayana the main focus, is the Lama (Guru) as representing the Three Precious Jewels, Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. The Lama is the main focus and we rely on the enlightened intention and wisdom and pure qualities of the teacher to give direct indication and mind to mind transmission. This is so to the degree that if the Lama, say, acts wrathfully toward the student, the student must never let anger and rage enter their minds. Why? Because it is the Guru Yoga discipline that ripens the mind, and opens the door to Liberation. The student mixes their mind with the Guru’s mind like milk with water. With faith, a blessed transference occurs. And devotion becomes a method like none other, especially in these degenerate times. Vajrayana is considered the one method to deliver realization in one life. This is accomplished through the accomplishment of one’s root Guru and faith.

Once I had a disciple with profound Guru devotion. She went to New York retreat to study with great Palyul Tulkus, she was simple in her practice, yet very diligent. When she passed I performed the Phowa and there were signs. Her body was kept for one week because she offered her skin to others. After a week she was brought to the funeral home to be cremated. First she was dressed in all her sacred robes, then flowers and incense offered for her pure life of loving service. The workers there said, and the four nuns I sent, were amazed that even before Ani was adorned her body was fragrant and fresh. Even though she had open wounds in her skin. Her complexion was pink, fresh and luminous.

His Holiness Karma Kuchen saw the pictures and declared this a miraculous event and she had accomplished this precious human rebirth. EH MA HO! This was a result of her practice and devotion. Her name was the Venerable Ani Thupten Palchen. And now, she is free! May she return quickly for the sake of all sentient beings! EH MA HO!

I am also reminded of how pleased His Holiness Karma Kuchen was, saying this was proof that westerners could attain in this life!


Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved


2/9/2011      Wednesday

An investment is promising, and money turns up happily, just when you need it.  A serious conversation or deal can be made before mid-day.  Then be prepared to debate your ideas with people who expect you to explain yourself and who question you on every front.  Luckily, you have the answers because you’ve thought things through.  You are still in the process of completing a project, and things are going very well.  Now that you are succeeding, relax, and don’t feel the need to win on every front.  In fact, turn your attention to helping others.  Arnold Palmer said, “The road to success is always under construction.”  The noblest thing you can do is give someone else a boost.  Everyone is trying hard, and yours isn’t the only venture.  Also, love is promising, even compelling.  You are magnetic.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Stop the Madness

An excerpt from a teaching called Perception and Karma by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

In order to pacify the karma of our mind, we need to employ the methods of Dharma.  These methods consist of generating oneself in a pure form, free of attachment and desire, meditating on the nature of emptiness, contemplating the nature of emptiness, engaging in compassionate and pure activity in order to pacify the karma of our minds.  We engage in all of these things.  These are the means by which eventually, over a period of time, the karma of our mind will change.  It will change.  How quickly it changes is up to you.  No one can predict that.  It really depends on you. It depends on how diligently and deeply you practice, how clear you are about what you want, how deep you can allow your understanding to go, and how much you put into it. There is no law or force outside of you that pushes you to have progress at a certain level or in a certain way.  It is purely up to you.

The experience that we have, however, and the habitual tendencies we have are so strong, that even hearing this is a little bit like riding a Ferris wheel.  When you ride to the top of a Ferris wheel you can look down at the whole world.  You can see the horizon, you can see the lights, you can see the buildings and you can see people, and you go, “Oh, it looks like that, does it?”  Then the Ferris wheel comes down and you get off and you’re on that ground level.  You are in it, walking the streets.  You forget that there is a horizon.  You forget that there are millions and millions of sentient beings per square block. You don’t have any view so we continue with that habitual compulsive tendency to act and react in the ways that we do.

These teachings sound disturbing and they should be disturbing for people that have no access to dharma.  Within that circular, compulsive, experiential procedure there is no end to it.  One cannot do something that will end the phenomena because the more you do the more you interact between self and other.  The more you interact between self and other, the more that you try to accomplish, the more effortful your efforts are, the more engaged you are in cause and effect relationship.  The more cause and effect relationships you engage in, the more karma continues, the more exaggeration continues.  The process does nothing but give birth to itself.  There’s no end to it.

For those who have the opportunity to practice the path that is brought about, not through ordinary means of cause and effect, not through using ordinary techniques of manipulating phenomena and increasing exaggeration, but rather by using techniques that are birthed from primordial wisdom and that bring about the pacification and the end of cause and effect relationships, you should thank Buddha because there is an end to suffering.  Having seen the impenetrability of this tight constant delusion, having seen how it simply gives birth to itself and does more and more and more, having understood this, you should look at the path that comes from the primordial wisdom state and that offers the necessary technology to bring about the end of cause and effect relationships, and feel tremendously relieved. It is like you have been sifting through garbage for many lifetimes, and suddenly you have come upon a precious jewel.  Suddenly you have found the wish-fulfilling jewel.  With that you should develop some sense of determination.

That determination can be a very illusory thing. I’m talking about really understanding for yourself, not just hearing my words, but taking the time to contemplate and understand how useless it is to combat this thing you’re in with the ways that you do.  To really contemplate on how useless your actions are to end something that can’t be ended.  To really contemplate in such a way that you look at the way you’re manipulating phenomena and see that it’s nothing.  You might as well do nothing.  In fact, you’re getting yourself in deeper and deeper.

Contemplate that in such a way that you become armed with a foundational view or foundational understanding that says to you that this stuff is stupid.  It’s not only stupid, it’s deadly, it’s horrible and there’s no way out of it.  To be involved in cyclic existence is horrible beyond belief.  Be determined to examine the nature of your mind.  Watch yourself as you engage in it, and from that point, use these techniques to begin to pacify the causes of the experience that you’re having, which is karma.

That determination is the kind of determination that doesn’t make you practice a little bit more for a few days and then waste away again.  It’s the kind of determination, for instance, as a monk or a nun that would make you say, “Look at these robes, I will never abandon them.  How precious that I have found the supreme vehicle.” Even if men or women came dancing naked through the room and they were all gorgeous, it wouldn’t affect you at all.  You wouldn’t need the world to hide itself so that you could maintain your vows.  You would have that kind of renunciation. You would understand and even if the most delightful sensual experiences were to present themselves to you, they would be nothing to you.  What is it?  It’s nothing.  It’s garbage.  It begets more of the same. You can’t have anything without losing it.

For those of us who are renunciates in different ways, you should have the same experience.  You should look at whatever experience you have in your life and know that it can’t dupe you anymore. It’s not that you won’t achieve, it’s not that you won’t have money; it’s not that you won’t have the experiences that people have but it just won’t dupe you anymore.  You can get married, you can have money, it doesn’t matter what you do, but it won’t dupe you anymore because you know what it’s about.

Having this sense of renunciation, you develop a kind of unshakeable discipline.  It’s not the discipline that means I should do so many mantras per day.  This discipline should go even deeper than that. You should be practicing constantly.  You should be constantly developing some space in the middle of that hard core perception of self and other. You should be developing some space in the middle of all your reactions.  Develop the spaciousness and the relaxation that is based on understanding what’s what, and then develop it through your practice.  Please refer back to the teaching on Monday night.  I hope that all of you will try to hear that teaching again. The constant revelation in every piece of phenomena is the heart of emptiness.  That is its taste.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved


2/8/2011      Tuesday

Now is the day to begin another project.  You are energetic and enthusiastic and raring to go!  Male and female energies are in harmony, and groups are vigorous and ready for action.  Time to think of something new, time to invent something!  Time to go forward.  Buckminster Fuller said, “I just invent, then wait until man comes around to needing what I’ve invented.”  Be willing to engage in something brand new, and others will join you.  A dynamic combination of fire (action) and air (thought) is present, urging you toward active thought.  These are mental times, so use your mind, and tie action to your thinking.  A. N. Whitehead said, “The vitality of thought is in adventure.  Ideas won’t keep.  Something must be done about them.”  Have an idea, and take action.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

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