
The person with a “go for it” attitude comes up with a brilliant idea.  Write it down and do what they say!  It’ll be successful.  Avoid nit picking and pointing out faults, which is a temptation.  Underground or behind the scenes matters are progressing steadily.  Be aware that two things are going on simultaneously – the public version of what’s happening and the private negotiations that are actually driving everything.  Benjamin Franklin said, “Life is a kind of Chess, in which we have often points to gain, and competitors or adversaries to contend with.”  Public statements should be seen as “fluff,” designed to satisfy the desire for news and unrelated to reality.  A partnership is under strain.  You have two more days to work on a project before everything changes.  What’s good?  Public figures are holding the line in ways the general population can’t understand.   Financial issues are being resolved, and food is your best friend!

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


Endless talk is annoying today, and it isn’t stopping soon.  Persistent questions are lobbed right and left, and they must be answered.  If you find yourself disagreeing with others, stop immediately.  Not because you are wrong, but because the other side won’t be convinced.  Discussions can easily escalate into outright disagreements and more.  If you live in a dangerous area – if fire, water or strife is rampant – do your best to leave the scene.  Of course, you don’t want to.  Excitement can lure you into trouble that will be hard to get out of. Robert Strauss said, “It’s a little like wrestling a gorilla. You don’t quit when you’re tired, you quit when the gorilla is tired.”  Fortunately, a leader has the ability to pacify a hothead – unless you are that leader, save your breath.  What’s good today: inner happiness, good food and a problem that is being solved slowly and steadily?

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


A difference of opinion occurs early today, and you are torn in two directions.  Do your best to satisfy both sides and avoid making a choice.  Health matters must be attended to, and people are feeling sorry for themselves.  Offer sympathy to those who tell sad stories and avoid explaining how they are the cause of their misfortune.  Don’t “pile on” people who are already hurting.  Avoid talking too much and avoid making decisions today.  You will overestimate everything and come up with the wrong conclusion.  Be friendly to everyone you meet, especially strong impulsive people.  They will show you the way through fearless and definite action.  Virgil said, “Fortune favors the brave.”  A brave person appears: you perhaps?

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


Happiness comes through a hidden or subtle source.  Emotional satisfaction characterizes this day.  It’s easy to relax and hard to keep moving.  You don’t want to be pushed, but it’s important to continue with your work.  The gift of discontent or dissatisfaction that goads you to change things is gone, and it’s hard to muster up the energy to keep going.  Oscar Wilde said, “In this world there are only two tragedies.  One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.”  Sadness appears unexpectedly and success is here.  Relax and have a nice meal.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Supplication to Chime Pema Jugne: The Deathless Lotus Born

The following is a supplication prayer from the Chime Tsog Thig:

By the wisdom intent of the Lord Amitayus,

Channeling through the wisdom intent of the Mother Deity Tsendali,

Blessing Deathless Pema Jungne,

I pray to the deathless wisdom holders of the three times –

Past, present and future.

I pray to Orgyen Pema Jungne.

In the meditation caves of the cliffs of Maratika,

At the time when you were accomplishing the wisdom holder of deathless life,

The Lord Amitayus blessed you.

You turned into a deathless Vajra body.

I pray to you, Deathless Pema Jungne.

As I pray to you, Deathless Pema Jungne,

Please bless me Orgyen Rinpoche.

Please bestow the maturation and liberation empowerment and grand the ordinary and supreme siddhis.



Love plus commitment is the issue today.  It’s time to declare yourself or step aside in your pursuit of a goal.  A situation you’d only dreamed of has appeared in reality.  This is a change and a challenge.  Do you seriously wish to succeed in your quest?  Yes or no?  Be aware that some goals are attractive because they are unattainable, for example ancient knights pledged to serve a lady they had no expectation of knowing in reality.  They fought for a fantasy figure, an icon. Your fantasy figure shows up in person, and you must too.  Pliny the Younger said, “An object in possession seldom retains the same charm that it had in pursuit.”  Accept or do not accept what has come, keep working and enjoy the times.  Food is great, and emotional happiness is here.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!



A long range, carefully planned strategy is moving ahead successfully.  It’s important to keep pushing. Many distractions are popping up.  Prioritize your goals, put on blinders and you’ll succeed.  Pay attention to everything else that presents itself and you’ll fritter away your energy.  Don’t be like the man who jumps on his horse and rides off in all directions at the same time: focus, focus, focus!  Let food and family be the only thing that distracts you.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

The Seven Line Prayer as Practice


The following is an excerpt from a teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo called “The Guru Is Your Diamond”

Likewise, when the student accepts the teacher, they must honor that vow and they must make a similar vow in their own way. That vow is contained in The Seven Line Prayer. “Following you, I will practice.”  Even though the prayer is directly to Guru Rinpoche, the prayer has an inner, outer and secret level of meaning. So we recite it thinking of Guru Rinpoche on a lotus and having the intention, hopefully, to understand that even though this appears as Guru Rinpoche on the lotus, it is inseparable from our own root gurus—same nature, same taste, same essence, same uncontrived primordial essence. And so, every time we recite the prayer to Guru Rinpoche, The Seven Line Prayer, we reconfirm that entire process: recognizing that Guru Rinpoche was the one who came from Orgyen; that he was born on a lotus in an extraordinary way. This is like our saying, ‘I understand that this is not ordinary. I understand that this did not happen as ordinary births, as ordinary conditions happen. And so having understood, I also promise to follow and to practice.’  And then we ask for the Guru’s blessing, Guru Pedma Siddhi Hung. Guru Pedma, grant me your blessings.

There is so much condensed into the power of that little prayer that I make you say again and again and again. There’s so much. One can go so deeply with just that one prayer. One can move through the stages of recognition to a depth that we didn’t think we could ever reach. One can create that connection by reciting again and again and again, “Following you I will practice. Following you I will practice.”  And so those meaningful words, even though they are simple, we can understand them more deeply and more deeply and more deeply. “Following you I will practice.”  What does it even mean?  Does it mean I dress like Guru Rinpoche, or act like Guru Rinpoche, or do I wear some of his funny earrings, or what do I do?  (I’ve got some funny earrings on, by the way.)

That’s not it. “Following you I will practice.”  First, we practice the way Guru Rinpoche practiced, for the sake of sentient beings. That’s how Guru Rinpoche practiced. He came and was born into the world for no reason other than to benefit beings. He didn’t have to come and learn; he didn’t have to come and hang out. Like Lord Buddha himself, he didn’t have to come and learn or hang out. And yet he came for the benefit of sentient beings. And so that’s the way in which we promise to practice. Not only throughout this prayer, throughout this hour that I am practicing, but throughout this day, throughout this week, throughout this month, throughout this year, throughout all my lifetimes, may I follow the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and liberate beings. We’re talking here about liberating beings from suffering. This is what Guru Rinpoche did. Yes, he taught. Yes, he hid termas. Yes, he gave us the means, the method. But the intention was about liberating sentient beings. Following you therefore I will practice.

And so that’s our commitment. We take on this tremendous commitment, this tremendous opportunity to liberate beings from the clutches and the ravages of samsara. And that means we’ll live the week like that, the month like that, the year like that, the decade like that, our lives like that. And at the time of our death, we will make prayers to be reborn following Guru Rinpoche. And in our next life, we are reborn again to continue and to benefit beings. This is the method. This is the way. This is the powerhouse. We rely on this promise, this blessing.

Link to The Seven Line Prayer with audio files for practice accumulations.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved



Something favored by a group can’t happen because it’s too expensive, and a friendship may be strained by a difficult situation.  Avoid the tendency to minimize problems that exist. Instead, plan to discuss matters fully and honestly so they can be resolved.  Be certain that everyone is included in discussions, and everything will work.  Secret matters are exciting and bittersweet.  Today is a mixed day, full of wins and losses.  A  Zen aphorism says, “The obstacle is the path.”  Relax and be happy.  You’re on the path.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

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