Astrology for 9/20/2015

9/20/2015 Sunday by Norma

Travel, fun, sports and get-togethers of all sorts make this a wonderful day. Fire signs are friendly, adding extra juice and enjoyment to everything you do. Stay home and you’ll miss out on the fun; go out and participate and you’ll have a smile on your face. Spend time in light, bright places and dress your best. Begin a new course of study, learn something! If you think you know everything, think again: mental expansion is your new goal. Lucius Seneca said, “Consult your friend on all things, especially on those that respect yourself. This counsel may be useful where your own self-love might impair your judgment.” Take a break from work today and avoid the temptation to over-commit yourself. (“Yes, I will translate the entire laws of Peru into English by Monday!” No you won’t!). What’s good today? Everything but work, which you have done enough of for now.

The daily astrology post affects everyone differently, depending on where it falls in individual horoscopes. Look to see where you are touched by this message.

Astrology for 9/19/2015

9/19/2015 Saturday by Norma

Congratulations! You have tiptoed past a confusing time, solved a three year old problem, and headed in a new direction. Issues relating to the law, foreigners, and principles must be addressed. How do you plan to deal with something that has steadily increased in seriousness? Concept meets reality: it’s easy to talk about an idea (“I believe in this!”) but when “this” shows up on your front porch, what will you do? Stephen King said, “Don’t forget that you are human being, with a humongous trillion gigawatt hard-drive at your disposal.” Put on your thinking cap, think big, and the way will become clear. Love and happiness are in the picture, work is surprisingly fun, and a health issue is clearing. What’s good today? A new sense of clarity regarding goals, based on what you know to be true, that leads to a successful outcome in the future, fun times with a partner, and happiness through creativity and sports.

The daily astrology post affects each person differently, based on individual horoscopes. Look to see where this message impacts your life

Astrology for 9/18/2015

9/18/2015 Friday by Norma

Keep a secret from a person who should be in the loop and you’ll have to apologize today. You have an excuse- you’re working so hard to fix things that you forgot. Eat crow and move on. A relentless energy keeps your feet to the fire today. You’d rather relax and have some fun but a task must be completed first. John Raper said, “Hit the ball over the fence and you can take your time going around the bases.” A confounding factor is that your partner wants your company and must be pacified. Serious diplomacy is required today, but you are up to the job. What’s good? A job well done, time with your partner, and a mesmerizingly attractive force heading your way.

The daily astrology post impacts everyone, depending on individual horoscopes. Look to see where the message applies to your life.

Astrology for 9/17/2015

9/17/2015 Thursday by Norma

Today offers a perfect opportunity to become confused and lose your way if you listen to too many sources of information; keep your eye on what you know and you’ll do fine. Lee Segall said, “A man with one watch knows what time it is: a man with two watches is never quite sure.” Sub-rosa matters are resolved through an underground network that you may or may not be aware of. Hint: if you don’t know what it is, you’re not a member. Mercury is retrograde in Libra. You’ve ignored your partner and it’s time to make up: cozy dinners, compliments and multiple displays of commitment are in order. This is an excellent day to press forward on many fronts, to make continuing improvement in health,
on the job and in relationships. Work to stabilize your connections, the people you count on for support.

The daily astrology post applies to each person differently, depending on where it affect your horoscope. Look to see where you resonate with this message!

Astrology for 9/16/2015

9/16/2015 Wednesday by Norma

A diplomatic gesture involving women, children or close connections is productive- a positive relationship is being formed! Act quickly on information you receive regarding a business proposal: if you dawdle the opportunity will slip away. Remember what you have learned and apply it to your project: today you must use your mind to outwit an external force that is actively attempting to confuse you with mis-information. Be wary of anything that requires increased effort without any measurable outcome. Stop and assess: is this working? Lucius Seneca said, “Everyone prefers belief to the exercise of judgment.” Use your judgment to evaluate your progress. What’s good today? Work, improving health, paying what you owe and love!

The daily astrology post affects each person differently, depending on your individual horoscope. Look to see where you are affected by this message.

Astrology for 9/15/2015

9/15/2015 Tuesday by Norma

A partnership rolls along providing inspiration, fun and whistle while you work moments!
A difficult time is drawing to a close, only a few more details to handle before it’s gone for good! Do not neglect them or they’ll cause trouble, like a document with no signature. (Imagine taxes, divorces or wills unsigned!). Close the door to the past firmly and it can’t come back to haunt you. Leave it open and…. Anonymous said, “Success is before work only in the dictionary.” What’s good today? Happy work, pets, intricate projects, love and good will.

The astrology post affects each person differently, based on individual horoscopes.
Look to see where you this message impacts your life.

Astrology for 9/14/2015

9/14/2015 Monday by Norma

The ability to see both sides of an issue is a huge asset today, and success is dependent on how well everyones’ needs are met. A balanced attitude is important and a conversation generates happiness all around. Michel de Montaigne said, “The clearest sign of wisdom is continued cheerfulness.” A leader inspires others but detailed work is critical to success. Be very aware of hidden, potentially troublesome factors lurking in the shadows, watching and looking for an opportunity. Vigilance guarantees safety today. What’s good? Partnership, love, work and a new beginning!

The astrology post affects each person differently depending on individual horoscopes.
Look to see where this message impacts your life!

Astrology for 9/13/2015

9/13/2015 Sunday by Norma

A happy bit of news brings smiles all around. Be a gracious guest or a cheerful host and enjoy company today. Casual conversation generates ideas for a new beginning, so listen up! Small tasks and pets are surprisingly enjoyable but do look around and survey your surroundings periodically. Something’s coming and you’ll miss it if you’re fixated on the job at hand. Marshall McLuhan said, “As a rule, I always look for what others ignore.” What’s good today? Health that’s so good you’ve forgotten about it, the joy of small tasks and inspiration that sends you in a new direction.

The astrology post affects each person differently, based on individual horoscopes. Look to see where you are impacted by this message.

A State of Recognition, Not Neurosis

An excerpt from the Mindfulness workshop given by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo in 1999

As human beings, some of the greatest downfalls and difficulties are the constant messages and self-imposed kinds of structures or ideas regarding how we should be and shouldn’t be.  When we fail to come up to these standards and these ideals, the guilt that we have is so profound that it stops us dead in our tracks and we feel worthless and a whole, neurotic scenario begins about worthlessness.  It is absolutely the opposite from the kind of practice that we want to do.  We may think that as spiritual people we should feel like nothing, be humble.  Try to understand it a little differently.

If you’re walking around superimposing an idea on yourself and you’re feeling worthless and guilty and like nothing, that’s not really spiritual.  One is supposed to be in a state of Recognition, not in a state of neurosis.  So this guilt, which results from having all these ideas of how we ‘should be’ in this materialistic society, and the feeling that we are criminal if we don’t measure up to these ideas, is very much all-pervasive.  Witness how it is as a mother; when you have small children.  You know what it’s like when you develop that cord between yourself and your child where they become little satellites.  They’re out there, but there’s this little cord, this connection, between the mother and the child so that if the child is no longer in your sight, as a mother, you react to that.  That pulls the cord.  There is a big feeling of, “Oh, I have got to take care of my child, and I have to make sure my child is safe.  I have to supervise my child.”  If for one moment we respond differently to it or perhaps not quickly enough, or if there’s a moment of confusion, we immediately think of ourselves as criminals, and we immediately think the first thing to do is hide that.  Then we carry around this block of guilt and criminal feelings that make us act out in certain ways that are unfortunate.

Training the mind to constantly be in a state of offering, to constantly be in a state of more and more increasing Recognition is a way to circumvent the criminalizing-guilt neuroses.  To be able to gain a deeper recognition of the nature of phenomena, of what is sacred and what is ordinary, what is meaningful and should be gathered and what should be abandoned; to gain a better recognition of the faults of cyclic existence, and be able to distinguish between a diamond and a piece of glass — to train oneself in that way moves us out of that realm of being ego in the center of our own mandala, constantly being good or bad, blaming, judging, being hopeful or fearful — that constant neurotic scenario that ultimately, when you really look at it, is what we call ‘us.’  In training the mind to a deeper Recognition as an extension to one’s practice, and to practice constantly as we move around, is an antidote that is extremely powerful.

In terms of thinking about how our minds work, did you ever try to just sit down and just still the mind, just kind of relax and go blank?  Did you ever try to do that?  To try to get your mind to do that is like screaming at a monkey in a cage to stop jumping up and down.  What do you think is going to happen?  The monkey is going to go even crazier.  So in practicing in the way that I’ve described, constantly offering and not clinging, (therefore applying the antidote to clinging), constantly moving deeper and deeper into a state of better Recognition rather than deeper and deeper into ego-clinging, self-cherishing and neurosis, what happens is that it actually calms the mind.  It’s like it begins to apply the remedy or the medicine that makes our mind change from something that is inflamed to something that is much more relaxed so that our minds actually begin to change.  That happens in our sit-down practice, and that also happens in our mindfulness as we walk around.

© Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

Astrology for 9/12/2015

9/12/2015 Saturday by Norma

A job well done fixes a long-standing problem. This is a day for new beginnings, a time to take your bearings and plan for the next step. You’ve been moving in one direction since March and now things have changed. Look to your daily activities for direction. What is your normal routine? Therein lies the answer. Frank Tibolt said, “We should be taught not to wait for inspiration. Action always generates inspiration.” Construction projects go well and exploration, underground and sub-rosa matters are moving along briskly. Simultaneously, pomp and fun are all pervasive! The image of a party going on as people build a tunnel or drill for oil beneath them is fitting. Those above are oblivious, but those beneath know.

The astrology post affects each person differently, based on individual horoscopes. Look to see which area of your life is touched by this message.

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