Astrology for 9/11/2015

9/11/2015 Friday by Norma

Work and public matters dominate the day. If you’re lingering indoors or staying home, you’re in the wrong place unless you work from home. A brash, go-it-alone attitude gets you everywhere, so have no fear of standing out or asserting yourself. “Nothing ventured, nothing gained,” advises conventional wisdom, and this is the message for the day. Keep your eye on your own task: if you look outside yourself, you’ll become confused and loose your bearings. Diplomacy is an asset and improves your hand, so do not neglect others as you charge through the day.

The daily astrology post affects each person differently, depending on individual horoscopes. Look to see where this message impacts your life.

Astrology for 9/10/2015

9/10/2015 Thursday by Norma

Women rule! Female energy is robust, happy and magnetic! If you’ve been off your game temporarily, today you come roaring back with a smile on your face and a skip in your step. Roald Dahl said, “If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.” Emotional power drives the day, making it possible to zip through projects with precision and good will. Follow your hunches and you won’t go wrong. It is still necessary to fix problems, to handle details and to lead your life, naturally, but a brighter outlook changes everything. Tend to details, respond to communication, dress up, look your best and enjoy the day.

The astrology post affects each person differently, depending where it falls in individual charts. Look to see where the message affects your life!

Astrology for 9/9/2015

9/9/2015 Wednesday by Norma

A public statement or policy change satisfies the need for action. A leader brings people together using strategies developed during a long period of contemplation and diplomacy. Anyone wanting further discussion will be promptly squelched. Peter Marshall said, “Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned.” Subterranean issues are coming to light. If you’ve been bad, prepare to be exposed, and remember it’s better to confess than be caught. What’s good today? Work projects are progressing well, medical issues are happily resolved and pets are a source of great joy. Love is in the picture and it’s an exiting time. Confidence is replacing uncertainty.

The daily astrology post affects each person differently, based on individual horoscopes.
Look to see where you are impacted by this message.

Astrology for 9/8/2015

9/8/2015 Tuesday by Norma

An emotional outburst comes that is best resolved by an appeal to your own pride and honor: can you be gracious? Let a tired person rest and forget about the incident. Diane Halstead said, “Life is one big contradiction, and you’ll drive yourself crazy if you try to figure it out. So don’t.” Discharge a debt promptly and accept a loss cheerfully. It’s time to pay what you owe, whether you feel like it or not. Travel is on the horizon and a new way of doing things is coming. Be prepared to expand your thinking. Watch for a person who seems unusual, out of sync with the environment- this person will show the way to success. Old school thinkers won’t be happy, but they will come along in time. What’s good today? A powerful surge of excitement that opens doors, hard work, cooking and having fun.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Notice the area of your life impacted by this message, it will be different for everybody.

Astrology for 9/7/2015

9/7/2015 Monday by Norma

Home is where the heart is today! Spend time with family, children and those who are most dear to you. Work around the house, cook and think about your forefathers. Avoid a debate where one side is logical and the other is emotional- it gets worse and worse, and nothing is resolved. A principle of Roman law says, “Hear the other side.” Listen, agree and move on! A rupture is healing and something you feared lost is being restored. Accept irrational statements with equanimity. For everything there’s an opposite today, so wear two heads: one for detail, one for imagination; one for emotion, one for duty; one for agreement, one for disagreement. What’’s good today? Love, happiness, good health, festive displays and sports.

The astrology post impacts everyone, based on individual horoscopes. Look to see where you are affected by this message.

Astrology for 9/6/2015

9/6/2015 Sunday by Norma

An important person is transforming and moving in a positive direction, one that guarantees benefit for everyone involved in the current situation. Expect continuous discussion, but be aware that the decision has already been made and the talk is for the sake of appearances. A sudden action moves things forward. Life is changing faster than your ability to figure it out, so don’t bother. Anonymous said, “Cooperation is doing with a smile what you have to do anyway.” Be aware that danger is lurking in the shadows and the planet of luck can’t help you, so do not engage in risky behavior. What’s good today? Owning your power and acting on your principles, doing what is right for everyone, and a love connection that is invigorating, ennobling and fun!

The astrology post affects everyone, based on individual horoscopes. Look to see where you are impacted by this energy

The Value of Human Existence

The following is respectfully quoted from “Treasury of Precious Qualities” by Jigme Lingpa, with commentary by Longchen Yeshe Dorje and Kangyur Rinpoche, as translated by Padmakara Translation Group:

The Value of Human Existence:

1. So long enchanted in samsara’s wilderness,
Tormented by the cutting of their heads and limbs,
With seeds of future sorrow hidden in their minds,
Beings long so foolishly for bliss of higher realms.
2. From there they fall again, their states of mind destroying them,
To wander in three evil realms, or as insensate gods,
Or else in barbarous lands, with false views, handicapped,
In places where the Buddhas have not come.

3. On blazing iron grounds without reprieve,
With dreadful weapons wounded time and time again,
The denizens of hell are slain but cannot die–
Still tangled in the webs of hatred’s evil deeds.

4. What need is there to say that hungry ghosts are racked by want?
For food they find not even pus or blood or filth,
And streams and orchards dry before their eyes.
Their vitals burn in endless pain,
Their length of life uncertain,
Measured by the strength of obscuration.

5. Beasts prey on one another, are each other’s food.
And, hunter’s quarry, they are slain by cruel means;
Or caught and tamed, they are reduced to bondage.
Born to such great misery, what can they do?

6. The insensate gods, whose life-supporting karma is immense,
Live long in formlessness; no sorrow do they know.
But lacking support for learning and reflection,
At death they have false views and so lack freedom to progress.

7. Supported on the palaquin of legs and feet,
But yet with minds untouched by virtue,
Barbarous men live sunk and skilled in evil ways,
And wander in the jungles of false morality.

8. Some have senses that belie their promise.
Though they meet with teachers, holy and sublime,
They hear their words like echoes sounding from a cliff,
And suffer in the wasteland of no understanding.

9. Some achieve the great ship [of human life]
With wits like sails wherewith to cross the ocean of rebirth.
But overwhelmed by demons, the espouse false views,
Wherein the Buddha who has come takes no delight.

10. Some fall in blind and lightless chasms:
Ages where no Buddhas manifest.
And though they try to rise, they find no path
And in despair sink down from low to lower destinies.

11. Eight states therefore where beings are not free to practice Dharma,
Where world-destroying gales of sin and suffering rage,
Where merit is defiled in wariness and fear–
O think of this and profit from your freedom!

12. To be a human being in a pure and central land,
With limbs and senses whole, with faith in Buddha’s teaching,
With karmic fortune blossoming, unmarred by evil deeds–
And this is like the wishing-tree, extremely rare.

13. But rarer still, the Buddha, like an udumbara, has appeared within our world.
The flower of Dharma is in bloom. The garden of the doctrine,
Undiminished, still exists, and perfectly do holy beings enter it,
Within whose cooling shade we may find rest.

14. Such fortune in ourselves is rarer than the wishing tree;
Such outer circumstances are like udumbara flowers,
These ten together joined with eight-fold leisure–
Such coincidence will scarce be found again!

15. Examples make it clear–the turtle’s head, the floating yoke,
And numbers also, whereby humans in comparison with beasts
Are like stars that shine by day compared with those by night,
With, in a like proportion, hungry ghosts and denizens of hell.

16. If once aboard this great ship of our freedom,
We now fail to reach the far shore of this sea of pain,
This meeting with the helmsman will indeed have been in vain
For us who strive and fare upon the Dharma’s path.

Astrology for 9/5/2015

9/5/2015 Saturday by Norma

Kudos to the person who comes up with a clever idea that moves things forward. Talk and new input is a lifesaver today-except for a busy person who is visibly distracted: let this person work in peace! If you’ve spent time fixing things, you are now free to move on to something new. This is an excellent day to attend classes, gather new information and exchange ideas. Robert Frost said, “Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence.” You will make use of your new knowledge sooner than you think! What’s good today? Love, leaders who know their stuff, and the potential for a complete transformation for the better. Health replaces sickness and poison transforms into medicine, provided you do not knowingly put yourself into a dangerous situation.

The daily astrology post affects everyone, depending on individual horoscopes. Look to see where you are impacted by the activity.

Practice With Every Breath

An excerpt from the Mindfulness workshop given by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo in 1999

As practitioners we think, “Oh, I love all this stuff you’re telling me and it’s all very nice and everything, but what I’d really like is a nature of mind teaching.  What I’d really like is some Dzogchen! Don’t start me with the basics.  Give me that high stuff.”  We think that, and then, sadly, pitifully, really, what happens is that we get this incredible Dzogchen teaching about the nature of mind, and it becomes to us something else that we, I, the ego, have collected.  Something as precious as a view of the nature of our Buddhahood, of the nature of our mind becomes just another thing that we hold; that I, the ego, holds.  It becomes something I have, and it makes me even greater because I have those teachings, and you don’t.

If we allow ourselves to practice in that way, by simply wanting that teaching and not requiring the recognition, not making ourselves go through the steps, we are dishonoring the Dharma. Instead of collecting great teachings from great teachers, it would behoove us to look in the mirror, to observe our own phenomena.  In order to discriminate between what is extraordinary and what is ordinary, what is enlightened activity and what is samsaric activity.  In order to develop this mindfulness, we have to learn to discriminate the world of phenomena.  We have to learn to discriminate appearances.  That never happens magically.

The terrible and painful mistake that we make is to think that eventually if we do our practice there’s going to be an experience.  We think that one day we’ll do our practice, and suddenly our aura will get big, or we’ll have some kind of AHA!  “There it is!  Enlightenment!” and we’ll be magically changed.  We even fantasize about this.  You know that you do.  You fantasize about other people seeing how enlightened you are.  You fantasize about how honored you will be when they “get” where you’re coming from.  You’re not alone, don’t worry.

This kind of idea is completely the opposite of the kind of discrimination regarding the world of appearances.  In waiting for enlightenment to come to us, we’re actually practicing duality.  In waiting for enlightenment to come to us, in waiting for that moment when the hallelujah chorus starts, we are actually saying, “I, ego, I am waiting for that to come to me.”  So in that state it will never happen.  In that state there is no such event.  There simply cannot be because there is no discrimination and no mindfulness — no mindfulness of the world of appearances.  In order to engage in giving rise to recognition of the empty nature of phenomena, you have to work at it.  To do the practice and just wait for this recognition is inappropriate.  It should be practiced with every breath.  It should be practiced with every moment of our lives, and not just our spare moments.

© Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

Astrology for 9/4/2015

9/4/2015 Friday by Norma

Talk is your best friend today, and the news is welcome. An intelligent person solves a vexing problem. High five! Listen carefully and follow directions precisely. Attempts to “wing it” or go on hunches create more problems. Amarillo Slim said, “Nobody is always a winner.” A hidden problem is being uncovered, and diplomacy solves issues that force couldn’t. Wait a while if you’re looking for a payout: you will receive more in a week or two. A difficult time is ending, and something new is on the horizon. What’s good? Love, fun , children, inspiring leaders and work!

The daily astrology post affects each person differently, based on individual horoscopes. Look to see where you are impacted by this message

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