Astrology for 5/16/2016

5/16/2016 Monday by Norma

Time spent with a close companion in productive work is satisfying and yields excellent results. Go in to work early as that’s your best time. The rest of the day is spent finishing up something you begin this morning. If a project doesn’t come together, admit defeat and move on. Avoid the tendency to spend too much time on something unworkable. Financial matters are fun, shopping is great and building for a specific occasion is satisfying. Charles Baudelaire said, “Everything considered, work is less boring than amusing oneself.” Work is fun nowadays. Pleasant conversation, doing things for others’ sake, feelings of stability and satisfaction- these are the joys of this day. Just stay away from political or religious debates!

The astrology post affects everyone differently, depending on individual horoscopes. Look to see how this message affects you today!

For Their Sake

An excerpt from Marrying Spiritual Life with Western Culture by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

We are told that in order to be a good person you have to do a certain amount of church-going.  That church-going idea is deadly.  It’s really the antithesis of a spiritual path, and I find that here as well.  Our Sangha also plays church.  Whenever I see one of us do church-going, I don’t know what to do.  That church-going thing drives me nuts!  When we come here, on the proper days – Sunday, during retreats, and maybe for midweek class – we think, “Well I’m here.  It’s Sunday and I’m fulfilling my spiritual obligation.”  We have that church expression:  We look all spiritual and fulfilled and we say the nice things.

Going to church in that way is deadening and disempowering.  It’s a very destructive way to approach our spiritual life.  Our spiritual life is something that requires no church.  It requires no temple.  It is an ongoing, internal, profound experience to which we have to marry.  We shouldn’t marry simply because we’ve come of age, which many of us do, but because we are truly wed in our hearts and our minds with a deeper kind of friendship and understanding regarding our spiritual path than we’ve ever known before.

What is the missing link?  What causes us to shunt ourselves off in that direction and create a scenario whereby we either don’t relate deeply to our path or it cannot nourish us, or we find ourselves feeling dead inside?  How does that happen?  One of the things that you have to remember – and its really important to think about – is that it is more and more prevalent in modern society to not see some of the natural currents of life.  This is particularly true in our country with our level of technology and all the civilizing factors that have come together to make us what we are.

For instance, here we are so technologically advanced and removed from certain natural occurrences that we rarely have the opportunity to see the beginning of life carried all the way through to the end of life.  Unless we ourselves have had a baby and daddy went into the birthing room and mommy had a mirror – unless we do that – birth to us is a mystery.  We do not see what birth looks like.  We have pictures of it.  We may have seen a movie, but the direct sensual experience of seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and smelling, we have not experienced.  Even those of us who are parents are somehow absent from this experience because many people do not have a real direct experience of their own birth-giving.  They go to sleep during it or they’re drugged or something like that.

Neither do we have an experience of dying.  When we die, we will have that experience, but until then, it’s hidden from us.  We have no way to prepare ourselves for the reality of death in our society.  We have no way to understand what is gained and what is lost during a life.  Watching someone die is an interesting experience because you can see that everything material is left behind.  You have a sense, once that consciousness has left the body, has moved on, that there is a really distinct difference between what the body is like at the door of death – even if it was unconscious – and what it’s like after consciousness has actually left.  It’s quite different.  Any of us who have seen loved ones immediately after their death will know this.  You know that there is nothing in there, unless you’re completely out to lunch, which I also have seen!  But you can see that something essential has left and that everything material has been left behind.  It’s such an eye-opener, particularly if the person who has died is perhaps not very old.  Perhaps they were still at the point in their life where they took a great deal of pride in their body or thought of themselves as being very vital.  You might remember different things about the person.  You might remember that the person didn’t like their figure, felt that they were too fat.  Maybe you know that during the person’s life they obsessed about this. They felt really bad about being fat and they tried to do things about it without success.  Then you see that person die.  When the consciousness leaves, you realize that everything they struggled with doesn’t matter.  Whether that body was fat or skinny, it didn’t go with them.

An understanding of how superficial such a struggle is occurs when you naturally see the rhythms of life and death.  Do you see what I’m saying?  There is a natural understanding that no one else can teach you.  You have to see it yourself.

To undertand what we are, it’s also good to see a number of babies being born.  Babies are different when they are born.  Hospital nurses who care for babies right after they’re born can tell you this for sure.  Babies are not blank slates.  Some babies are very aggressive and very active, and you can tell that they have tiny, little, confrontative personalities already.  They’re just that way.  And then other babies are just wide-eyed and open. They’re like little jellyfish.  My two sons have always been polar opposites from the first moment they were born.  A mother who has had more than one child can tell you that’s how it is.

Many of us are completely separated from these natural events, yet they teach us very profound things about how to approach spirituality.  Even the story about the Buddha indicates this.  At first the Buddha was prevented by his father from seeing the suffering of old age, sickness and death.  After having witnessed these sufferings, he found the strength to go on in his path because of compassion, because of the deeply felt recognition that occurred to him on some subtle level.  That’s a metaphor for the problem of our society.  What a display Lord Buddha gave us when he showed us that, because on several different levels we are prevented from seeing suffering by our society.

We take dead bodies away and put make-up on them.  (Can you believe that?  I want all my make-up on my body before I die.  I do not want someone to put it on after I’m dead.  All of you can remember this?  That is not the time for a face lift.)  On an internal level, because of these subtle messages that we get, we do not come in contact easily with any real internal processes.  We avoid them in the same way we are taught to avoid them externally.  We’re told, “Don’t go there, it’s not safe.  Just don’t go there!”

We are told not to approach things in a really intimate way.  Now in the story about Lord Buddha’s life, when he saw the suffering it bothered him, hurt him, upset him, scared him and shocked him, and he had to – oh my – go through transformation, that “T” word that scares us so much.  Transformation is related to change, the other word that really scares us.  So, yes, he had to go through all of that, but what was the result?  The result was he became deeply empowered and was able to make some very difficult choices.

He decided not to live an ordinary life in which he was extremely happy.  He was a prince with all the blessings.  He loved his family.  He had a beautiful and devoted wife, and they were very close, very intimate.  He had a beautiful newborn child and was not a distant or absent or unconnected parent.  He loved his greater family as well, his father and mother – the king and queen.  But for the first time he saw the suffering of old age, sickness and death, and it moved him to his core and enabled him to make choices that are very difficult.  He came to the point of deep knowing within himself, that if he wanted to really love his wife and his baby, he had to find the way to liberation for their sake.  The phrase “for their sake” became real to him.  It’s not real to us.

Copyright © 1996 Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Astrology for 5/15/2016

5/15/2016 Sunday by Norma

Happiness is here early in the day, provided you sidestep a discouraging message. Do not confront a problem head on, rather look for an alternative solution. Richard Hooker said, “Change is not made without inconvenience, even from worse to better.” This is a pleasant day to engage in projects that tidy or fix physical objects: sweep, paint, prune, assemble, remodel, stabilize, organize and you’ll be happy. Abstract conceptualization, debates, etc, are upsetting and debilitating. Happiness lies in concrete matters. Spend time with the people and things you love.

The astrology post affects everyone differently, depending on individual horoscopes. Look to see how this message affects you today!

Sevan Part Supplication

The following prayer was taken from the Nam Cho Daily Practice from Palyul Ling International:

I pay homage to the continuously present and unmodified nature of pure presence (rigpa).
I offer the clear light, freedom from depths and limits.
I confess within the vast expanse, the equality of samsara and nirvana.
I rejoice in the great wearing out of reality, freedom from conception.
I ask you to always turn the Wheel of Dharma, the great perfection,
And to churn the depths of samsara,
Free from the limiting three conceptions, I dedicate this to reaching the far limit.

Astrology for 5/14/2016

5/14/2016 Saturday by Norma

Venusian behavior- diplomacy, tact and affection- is your best bet for happiness today. Fill your speech with special kindness and consideration; it’ll be fun, a mental stretch for you (“How can I say this nicely?”) and a source of unexpected happiness for others. Ashley Jensen said, “I’ve made this conscious decision to tell people on the street when I think they’re wearing something great. If more people did that, the world would be a better place.” The demands of work are a factor today, but don’t be too busy to be nice. What’s good? Clearing up past issues, spending for a good cause and carefully avoiding problems by continually changing strategies. If you meet a roadblock, take another road!

The astrology post affects everyone differently, depending on individual horoscopes. Look to see how this message affects you today!

Astrology for 5/13/2016

5/13/2016 Friday by Norma

A happy surprise leaves everyone smiling and delighted. Fun is on the menu today and you must be outside or in a bright, colorful place to find it. A parade, a celebration or a party beckon. You’ll spend more than you wish, but don’t put a price on the happiness this brings to others. Men and women are not on the same page, and leaders are not in sync with their followers; they’ll say something expecting applause and be greeted by silence or boos! Huh? Respect is an issue today, offer it to everyone you meet. Lao Tsu said, “See yourself in others.” What’s good today? Pleasant, diplomatic words, an exciting opportunity, stability and happiness.

The astrology post affects everyone differently, depending on individual horoscopes. Look to see how this message is reflected in your life today!

Astrology for 5/12/2016

5/12/2016 Thursday by Norma

This is a good day for travel and it’s important to dress your best and to look your best as you go about your business. First impressions determine your success today. Money and ego come together negatively so avoid impulse purchases if possible, you’ll buy the most expensive item to impress someone and regret it later. Appeals to your vanity are the red flag, run if someone starts saying “Savvy people buy…”. Kim Hubbard said, “The safest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it in your pocket.” What’s good? A happy frame of mind, pleasant companions and moving out of your normal routine. Try something different today!

The astrology post affects everyone differently, depending on individual horoscopes. Look to see how this message reflects your life today!

With Joyful Expectancy

From The Spiritual Path:  A Compilation of Teachings by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

It’s easy to hear Dharma, if you have the merit. It’s easy to keep a record of how many teachers we have sat in the presence of. It is much harder to change, to remain where we are and to deepen. It is harder still to rely on the advice of our Spiritual Master rather than on our own prideful, rigid, ordinary ideas.

The path of Dharma must renew for us a profound, living presence in our lives. It should never become stale or stiff, nor should we allow our minds to become hard, rigid or prideful. We should hold our hearts and minds in a confident posture of trembling, joyful expectancy. Then the path becomes our treasure, our food, our refuge. Then, gradually, we transform into that most precious jewel, the aspirant who actually gives rise to the Bodhicitta, who makes love and compassion a living presence in the world. This is the answer to all our longing.

May the power and potency of Dharma fill your lives. May virtue prevail. May compassion be born in our hearts and devotion nourish our minds, pouring forth to all sentient beings who remain in samsara. May they be liberated from the very causes of suffering. And may it be soon; may it be today. May samsara be emptied. Lord Guru, of the suffering of sentient beings, there has been enough. I dedicate all virtue I have accomplished, in this and every other lifetime, past, present and future, to this end.

Copyright ©  Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Astrology for 5/11/2016

5/11/2016 Wednesday by Norma

The void of course moon signals aimless, undirected activity for most of the day, so don’t break your heart expecting to accomplish something. This is a day to go with the flow, to watch sunsets, lounge peacefully and engage in beautification projects. Venus is strong and she rules beauty and pleasing, relaxing activities. Get a haircut, spiff up your wardrobe, paint a picture, be artistic in your expression. Kahlil Gibran said, “When Life does not find a singer to sing her heart she produces a philosopher to speak her mind.” Aim for beauty and elegance when you shop: choose the prettiest
food, the most colorful items. Sidestep political or sectarian talk, you’ll just upset yourself.

The astrology post affects everyone differently, depending on individual horoscopes. Look to see how this message reflects your life today!

True Purity


From The Spiritual Path:  A Compilation of Teachings by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo


Let’s say you have become satisfied with an idea of what a practitioner should be. You are quiet, meek, gentle, and ever so passive. You attempt to be pure by never adorning your face, hair or body. You do what you think is right. Fine. But what if you stop there? What if you allow days, weeks, years, your whole life to pass by with no true sense of the need to eradicate hatred, greed and ignorance from your mindstream? What if you have no real understanding of the emptiness of phenomena? No true perception of the nature of mind? What have you really accomplished? What is yours to carry with you? How will you enter the afterlife state, the bardo? Will you not see as you have always seen? Will you not see the events within the bardo state as external phenomena? Will you not be excited, afraid? Will you not still be lost in the delusion of self and other?

On the Vajrayana path, true purity, true virtue is central and precious. Even one moment of true perception of the nature of mind is the only conceivable virtue. If you merely live according to the rules, you will definitely have merit. But in terms of the value of your own nature, your own mind, you will not have the purification that leads to true perception. The Vajrayana path is unique in its perspective on this. It adopts the morality and rules of the Hinayana path, as well as the Mahayana perspective of compassion and purity, yet it goes further into the understanding that true perception is the thing of value—the diamond.

The goal of the Vajrayana path is to realize the nature of mind. The nature of mind is absolute compassion. At that primordial-wisdom level, there is no good or bad. There is clear, uncontrived, pure, self-luminous nature. Primordial mind is unborn, yet perfectly complete. It is unmarked, un-measured by time or space. It is self-arising. True virtue is not a way of acting. Nor is it a way of thinking—as most people understand thought. There is only one real virtue: the realization of primordial mind. Naturally arising within that realization is a deep and abiding compassion—a compassion that is capable of manifesting in any form necessary in order to bring true benefit to beings.

Please understand that primordial mind itself is not filled with hatred, greed and ignorance. This is simply not possible. The mind is forever pure. It is unchanging. It cannot be defiled in any way. What then is the problem? Where is the defilement? Not in mind itself, but in perception. The real value of practicing on the Vajrayana path is that you are involved in a system by means of which your mind can arise with all the pure qualities of the Buddha. Think, for instance, of Buddha Vajrasattva. This is the practice of a Buddha who is the perfect union of wisdom and compassion. He represents that phase of mind as it first moves into manifestation from the primordial level. The pristine connection between the primordial nature of mind and its transition into an activity phase is not separate from that basic nature.

© Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

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