Compassionate Blessings: A Dialog

The following is from a twitter dialog between Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo and one of her followers:

Stupas cost about $150K -200K to build including the required Stupa Master. It boggles that people with that kind of money don’t support Stupa building for peace, to pacify suffering, sickness and old age, delay death, pacify war and hunger, and balance the planet. That’s why we should build Stupas.

(Jetsunma asks follower how he is doing.)

Follower: Happy as a clam and fit as a fiddle, lovely one. Your pretty little self?

Jetsunma: Not too shabby even though I had a hopeful ring appraised to build a Stupa. It was a total flat out fake. Gotta fund raise. Fund raising is kind of embarrassing, but its for an excellent reason. We’ll figure it out. Stupas are worth it. If there was anything else worth it I’d give it up in a heartbeat.

Follower: Well, it could be argued that raising the funds for those in need takes precedent, which is, to an extent true.

Jetsunma: I have built Stupas already, over 30, want to build them anywhere there is suffering and hardship or war.

Follower: Good for you, angel. I’m not suggesting you shouldn’t. I spend part of my time raising money to keep a 13th century building up.

Jetsunma: To me and mine this is the best way to give to all, blessings bring result. What kind of blessing? For example, a tumor dissolves, and no money for medical costs. It’s a “vibrational” blessing, sphere of truth. Love. Like a Buddha.

Follower: What about the poor and needy? If only life where black and white, eh?

Jetsunma: And you are right. Its not black or white: compassion. And we do a food bank, animal rescue, we work for the benefit of all. Here’s a teaching offered by a Master Stupa builder on the blessings they bring Thing is you can argue and such but this is what I do, charity and benefit are my reason for being.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo All rights reserved









Precious Jewels

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

If someone gave you a very expensive piece of old jewelry what would you do with it? I’d build another stupa. A gift to the earth and all beings.

Why wear something so valuable when it can benefit beings? It will bless everything and anyone for atleast 100 miles in all directions. Of course we can raise money. But if this ring is real, I wish to pay for it all myself. I pray it is real so I have the privilege to help beings.

When the time comes we will ask for volunteers and I hope many will use this tremendous opportunity to gather merit and clear non-virtue.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo All rights reserved


Pride is an issue today, yours or somebody else’s.  Be as respectful as possible with others, but don’t get “taken for a ride” by an appeal to pride followed by a financial request.  It’s important to be aware of your goals and to put your money where your heart is, not where someone else’s heart is.  Bill Cosby said, “I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.”  A misunderstanding can occur, or else one side is withholding important information. Beware of thieves.  Once you are on guard, it’s a nice day.  Business matters go well, and something is being created slowly and steadily that will stand the test of time.  The most important things are discussed in private, not in public.  And everybody is a chatterbox!

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


Three planets in fire signs give folks the get up and go to handle all the work and intrigue that characterizes the day.  Men, women and children are in harmony, yet someone’s pride can be wounded by a rebuff involving a potential partnership.  Have fun with people but hesitate about taking the next step, especially if it involves finances.  Think of a shill at a carnival entertaining the crowd.  Everyone is having fun, and then he asks for money.  Game change! Smile and say “no thanks” and he’ll move on.  Know what you’re getting into, and know what you will and won’t do!  Leo Buscaglia said, “The most difficult thing is to be what other people want you to be.  Don’t let them put you in that position.”  Elsewhere a fun, chatty mode is prevalent and the future looks very bright.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Heart Son of Palyul: His Holiness Karma Kuchen Rinpoche

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Shortly before Kyabje His Holiness Penor Rinpoche had His Parinirvana, He watched me watching His Holiness Karma Kuchen Rinpoche. His Holiness gave me a deep look and said “He is better than me. ”

It must be true. Tsawei Lama  said it. The more I read and pray I know it’s true. I cannot explain the gifts I’ve been given.

His Holiness Karma Kuchen Rinpoche is the inheritor, and the two other heart sons are supports. His Eminence MugsangRinpoche is for America.


Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo All rights reserved

Renunciation: Poem by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

The following is respectfully quoted from “Journey to Enlightenment” by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche:

Though you perfected the qualities of the three kayas,
In order to liberate beings of the impure realms
You manifested as a supreme renunciate;
Lord Pema Vijaya, I miss you from the depth of my heart.

The feeling that this precious support, a free and blessed human body,
Will be lost to the enemy, the bandit Lord of Death,
Overwhelms my mind with anguish,
Like a frightened little bird falling to the ground.

The abyss of the lower realms is hard to fathom, and
This present comfort and happiness in the higher realms
Is like a rainbow in the sky that’s about to vanish;
Remember the spreading, dense rain clouds of wrongdoing!

A delightful palace may be magnificent,
But it can’t guard against fear of the Lord of Death!
All food and drink may taste delicious,
But they might become the cause of drinking melted copper!

No matter how much I cherish this body covered in soft clothes,
It’s uncertain when it will start to smell like a rotten corpse,
A handsome, youthful body may gladden my heart, but
When the eyes dissolve into the skull, it’s useless.

My shiny jewelry may be a charming object,
But it can’t seduce the wrathful grimacing Lord of Death;
Though my fame may pervade the whole country,
It won’t help me when body and mind separate!

Though prestige and power may frighten everyone,
They won’t protect me when going alone;
A powerful rank and status may be impressive,
But it’s impossible to avoid the Lord of Death’s court of law!

Large crowds of people are the cause of likes and dislikes;
By the time I go to the bardo I’ll be alone.
Remaining far away from the affairs of this life,
I’ll stay alone in a secluded, rocky shelter!

Living like a wounded deer,
My heart’s desire is to watch the snow of mind within;
All past siddhas stayed in remote rocky mountains too,
Capturing the kingdom of experience and realization.

Remembering the life story of Milarepa,
When I’m hungry I’ll eat the food of samadhi,
When I’m cold I’ll wear cloth of mystic inner heat;
In the company of birds and wild animals,
I’m going to cloudy, mist-shrouded mountains!

In a cave that’s not altered by people,
Nourished by leaves that need no cultivation,
Drinking the clear and cool water from rocks,
My heart’s wish is to just be with mountain birds.

In the cool shade of excellent trees,
In a relaxed and carefree state of mind,
With the cool shelter of a fresh breeze, my health will be good;
All by myself, my activities will be in accord with the Dharma!

On the summit of high rock in the immense sky,
Developing strength in realization of aware emptiness within,
When rays of the smiling sun and moon above reach my heart,
I enter the inner space of the six lamps of space and awareness.

Sometimes clouds and mist appear,
Thunder and red lightening flash like a playful dance,
Roaring wind swirls around black clouds,
Reflecting the sounds, lights, and rays in the threatening bardo.

In the pure meadow, around gently moving water,
My companions, young wild sheep, play and climb the rocks;
Sweetly singing, shiny blackbirds develop strength in flying,
And white vultures circle around at leisure.

Except for the mother dakinis that gather here,
Wicked people never pass by;
The vast expanse of a blue lake full to the brim
Indicates the four modes of freely resting awareness within.

The company of small swans,
Sweetly singing and training their wings,
Reminds me of practicing the different types of loving-kindness;
In my estate of this empty valley,
Relying on the pure, cool water from snow mountains,
I’m going to capture the kingdom of experience and realization!

I decided that from now on I don’t need anything;
The countless joys and sorrows of this life,
Whatever I experienced in the past, are like drawing on water.

Except for accumulating habitual tendencies for samsara’s depth,
Look at this present body to see if there was any benefit or not!

With hope and fear of making a living for the future,
Life runs out with a stock of karmic activity;
The very moment one is captured by the foe, Yama’s rope,
Reflect on whether it is any use when you exhale your final breath!

Though I am naive and immature,
As my father, the Dharma lord Lama Gyaltsap,
Let his blessings enter my heart, I conceived the urge to escape
And see activities for this life as confusion.

Unable to bear that all-consuming thought, the urge to escape,
I wrote it down as it slipped from my mouth;
Though thoughts in an ordinary person’s mind are impermanent,
Bless me to be free of adversity and obstacles.

With the root of all Dharma, renunciation,
Steadfast like an engraved rock,
May I become like the protector Pema Vijaya,
The master of nonaction, yogi of the sky!


A man is helpful and has been waiting for the green light to step up and be involved.  An important person, who seems to have been hidden or out of the loop, comes back into the equation.  The boss may appear after being gone so long you forgot the boss existed!  A conflict exists between the hardworking mode and the new presence.  The image is of ants, tunnelling away industriously, suddenly encountering the queen ant.  They must stop and give respect.  Halt and change modes and woe to you if you don’t!  Do not blow past an important person because you are “too busy!” You’ll regret it!  Drop your task and start talking.  Conversation, news, reports and “catching up” saves the day.  A Zen aphorism says, “The best leaders are ones the people do not know exist. They turn to each other and say we did it ourselves.”

Pilgrimage and Blessings: Paying it Forward

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

KPC and it’s stupas are an excellent pilgrimage. Someday we will have meditation huts for those that attend Palyul summer program in N.Y. who seek a place to practice the rest of the year. We will start with camping. And it’ll be rough. Pilgrimages are supposed to be! It will take time, as does everything we want quickly.

We need volunteers to clear land. I hope to have retreat camps near the stupas for all serious practioners all year.

When we run dry spiritually, intense practice and pilgrimage to Holy places are especially helpful. As are teachings and empowerments.

Don’t deny your spiritual requirements. Take care of business -say- family, then take care with your path. And pay it forward. Always pay it forward….

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo All rights reserved


An underground situation is ongoing, as though the catacombs are being slowly excavated beneath your feet. Do your best to remain aware of the strong creative energy currently at work. Because it’s Scorpionic, it loves to hide, but it’s there.  If you are oblivious to your surroundings, please look more carefully.  Things are happening, and they are generally good.  However, if you notice the trend doesn’t favor you, be aware of that as well and have your exit strategy prepared. The time for diplomacy is over, and you can’t expect someone else to champion your cause for you.  Own the reality you have before you, and if you are not satisfied build a new one! It’s that sort of day. Apocalyptic: nope, just reality staring you in the face. James Oppenheim said, “The foolish person seeks happiness in the distance; the wise person grows it under his feet.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

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