With Compassion, All is Possible

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Hello to all from my safe and secret place. It is lovely here and I an doing very well. So many of my friends and students are praying for my well being so kindly, and I am so very grateful for this. I don’t know what I’d do without you and my family. I know who my friends are.

If there is any sense to come from this crazy situation it is this. I’m loved. Never quite knew that, or even could. Thank you, I am humbled and transformed by you. And I pray for the chance to pay it forward again and again. Every life, every time. I love you.

And finally, I can accept  your love as well. If there is some situation in your life where you have no choice other than to accept love, take it and pay it forward.

Without that there is no world worth being in. And with compassion, all is possible.


© Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo All Rights Reserved

You Are Hope! #Occupy #OWS #OccupyEarth

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Did you know that for vegan holidays one can stuff a large not over ripe pumpkin with chestnut and buttery root veggies, bread cubes, spices etc. And for your “manly” protein dish – a vegan lentil loaf with peanut butter based brown gravy. Yum delish! With brown rice and a salad to round it out! Don’t forget your reward, a glass of Champagne to toast the turkey you saved, and viva la Occupation! Got any extra for the soldiers of peace?

Find out where they are, bring comfort. They are prolly eating Cliff Bars, peanut butter and jelly, and looking for somewhere to soak their bruised feet: heroes. We should wash and oil their feet. I see Christ in their eyes. Love and suffering. Nurses! We can treat and bandage their feet. And feed them.

I see Lord Buddha in their bodies, true renunciation for the liberation of all sentient beings. I see the chariots in battle, the Lord Krishna and his entourage, valiantly charging the enemies of truth. May this battle be won!

Dear, valiant noble ones, I look in your eyes and I see the true face. And I love you, my heart follows you; you are hope!

#OCCUPY Wall ST! #OccupyBerkley #OccupyEARTH #OccupyCal #OccupyTibet #OccupyHIPHop #JustTAKEitBACK #JustOccupy! #TRUTH #FeedThePOOR #LOVE

© Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo

Truly Helping

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

When a person is mentally unbalanced, raging, obsessive behavior, they need professional help. They do not need enabling, which is more like “idiot compassion” in that the ill person never actually gets help.

Many times they make constant claims and display pitiful behavior, or rage on and nag, etc. We all do that childish stuff once in a while, but if the patient cannot stop or help themselves it is a sickness and intervention is needed. Usually a psychiatrist or caseworker is needed, especially if the patient has history of illness, or is the kind that harms themselves and/or others. Don’t participate in the sickness. They need help, not enabling. Don’t try to be a hero. Try not to make it about what you want. Tough love is good. Compliance with an illness is actually selfish. Wrong behavior needs to stop; one can be loving in a firm way, offering boundaries to those too sick to recognize any. Do what is needed, not what is easy. These people crave attention for poor performance. Don’t play. Get them the help they need before they hurt themselves or others. That is the best way.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo. All rights reserved

Blessed are Those With Heart

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I needed a day off twitter today, please forgive me. My friend’s dog is dying and she cannot accept. One of my monks needs attention, always.

I walked two days in a row while healing, so it was a pain killer and flat out day. I had nothing left. Meanwhile the utterly cruel “people” that hate and beat me up every day have taken this time to show what high-minded people they are. Wow. Some days it makes no sense to try.

I won’t be stopped. If I can benefit sentient beings I will have to be satisfied. People can be so selfish and cruel. They need help. I wish there was magic. But there is only miracle (earned through merit) merit itself, (like gold to trade) and Mentor (guide: Buddha, Lama et al.)

So I rest today, but it is painful to see what we have come to. All you workers of the way, the light, I salute and love you. Wrap you in my arms. Occupy Prayer, Peace and Occupation I adore you for your strength and gift. May I take the pain for you. You are the crown of creation, lovers and peacemakers, shelters from the storm. The gold of humanity. You who love – I love you as my children. Blessed are those with heart! May there be kindness and goodness for you. OM TARE TUTARE TURE PUNYE PUSHTIM AH YOU PUSHTIM KURU YE SOHA! Long life and peace to you!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo.  All rights reserved

The Gift

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

A peaceful mind is a precious jewel, more precious than any gem in the world. It is because jewels cannot make you happier for long, and they can be lost, stolen, or broken. That is not the case with a peaceful mind.

If one trains the mind in calm abiding, subdues greed, trains in Bodhicitta, gains view of the condition of samsara, and discovers its impermanence, then understanding will come. There is no gift, no wealth, no treasure like a peaceful, loving mind. Nothing worldly is worth striving for except the opportunity to serve others. If we do that, our dominating ego quiets, the endless craving, the endless hatred, the boundless confusion of pride, and neediness for attention, all gradually and gently disappear like an early morning mist. It does take effort, yet the mist will vanish and reveal the glory and beauty of our true face, the natural, unborn, yet completely fulfilled Primordial Ground of our nature – the Buddha nature. It is so present, so fresh, so now, yet seems totally out of reach. That is why we must study method.  No good result can possibly come from poor conduct, and wild acting out with an unstable mind cannot bring satisfaction, love, peace, joy or character.

Here the nation is falling apart, losing freedom due to fear and negative intention.  Our planet is being raped and poisoned by those who think, pridefully, that it is their right to do so. We are being crushed under the weight of our own twisted confusion. What we still don’t understand is that the main battle is within. If we wake up in time, as is the case with Occupy Wall Street, we must also understand that what we are doing in our head is also important. If altruism is not the basis, hate will rule. If kindness is not there, the result will be more of the same. If greed wins, we will have nothing.

So train well in spirit and heart-mind long before the time comes when we will see this new, brave world convulse itself into birth. This way we will actually contribute to a better world, rather than build a shiny new floor over the same old hate and societal insanity. We cannot afford this. Mama Earth cannot afford this. The bliss and joy of true accomplishment and awakened view is so immediate and beautiful in a new, pristine way. We have Buddha in the palm of our hand! The gift.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Indestructible Compassion: Awakened Bodhicitta

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

This is the 23rd Anniversary of my Enthronement in the Palyul Lineage. My students celebrate this day, but me? Not so much.

Tulkus take rebirth for the sake of all beings. Not to play video games or ice skate! Ha! Most Tulkus come back with a mission. Pre-ordained, and ready for a life much different than most people would choose. When His Holiness Penor Rinpoche enthroned me, His Eminence Gyaltrul Rinpoche said to me: “Now you are in jail!” So true. As Palyul Lineage Holder, I have responsibilities that I would not have if not enthroned. I must propagate Dharma and protect Palyul from harm, which I have worked extremely hard to do. From corruption, from villains, con men, thieves, and have done my best at every fork and twist in the road. So I see this day as a marking of this life’s effort.

If there is merit, there will be more effort, and more lives of service. It is all that matters to me. Service. And when have we needed it more than we do now? Mother Earth is sick, crazy people and ideas abound, the older, experienced Bodhisattvas are passing, and Kaliyuga is upon us. So we must be prepared to keep on for the sake of those still revolving in samsara. The sick, hungry, those filled with rage, the deluded. The abused, the poor, and the jealous and ignorant. Each one is a Buddha, having the seed of Buddhahood. But most are asleep, locked in the dream that reflects their mind and their karma. It is for them I will return. May I be the last to cross to that state beyond, so I may be the one to see the end of all suffering. Everything is impermanent. I pray that all suffering is too.

From my deepest heart I dedicate all virtue in the three times, past, present and future, to that end. May all who are sick be healed. May all the poor, hungry, abused dysfunctional, homeless, unloved, without exception be healed. May all find the path of Dharma and love. May we end war, and give rise to ethics and peace.  Whatever merit I have ever gathered, and all I and my students have ever done, as well, be dedicated to the liberation and salvation of all!


Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Coming Together for Peace

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Tomorrow evening KPC is having a potluck feast with His Holiness Karma Kuchen Rinpoche for Palyul students. Both PCD and KPC. The sincere wish and prayer is that all Palyul will be truly united. For the sake of all sentient beings and the return of His Holiness Penor Rinpoche. It is the strength of pure devotion that will bring back the Yangsi and we must abandon gossip now, and be in harmony for Palyul.

Together we can benefit the western Dharma practitioners. With unity. Separate we can do little, and fighting and gossip will harm us all. Let’s be a powerful worldwide force for Dharma, compassion community and peace. Let’s lead the way, a great pure Lineage of kindness.

We should stop fooling ourselves that somehow, magically, with envy and self-importance we can be of any use. It simply isn’t possible. Love and respect really work! We don’t need or want more petty wars! They are a true blight and poison on the Earth. The more respect we give is the best way, and appreciation for each other is the only way to make a peaceful world.


Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Use Your Heart

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I hope and pray all people will come to see that kindness is the way. Most trouble can be avoided if we are simply good hearted. Bitterness and meanness poison just about every situation. If people would communicate skillfully and with respect nearly all arguments can be solved without war or hate. Only when one’s very life and livelihood are threatened, then legal council should be sought for advice.

In general, no resolution is ever possible with insults, snarky talk, or childish cruel jokes or rants. It is possible to grow up and grow in the capacity for compassion with practice. If we care about any sentient beings, we must care about all, as we are all of the same nature. So the obsession with harming others is a strong indication that this is not well understood. From the view of say, Lord Buddha’s extraordinary awakened state, there is no “place” where one life “ends” and another life “begins.” There is only the empty and complete display of the primordial ground of being. Beyond that, we are not separate- not in being, not in distance, and not in time, as these are all relative, where the absolute nature is unchanging, and fulfilled at once.

Relative view can be a real mess, and discord results when one has no healthy boundaries or indulges the ignorant, ordinary monkey-mind to do as it pleases. We are not here for that. We are all, in ultimate view, Buddha in physical form. How well the “light” shines through one’s “window” depends entirely on how well we clean and keep the “glass”, and this is our true job. We must see all as it is. Not as our habits dictate. You can change, you can do better. You are Buddha! Never forget that. Use your heart, and stand tall for the sake of all!


Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

What Will You Give?

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Hammering on sentient beings for their “faults” or for their thoughts and opinions is unacceptable. The first reason is, the hurt it causes, and then because the persons judging and pointing are themselves flawed. Gossip and threats, puffed up judgments are a downfall. We should try to see the situation and indeed the world from other’s eyes. Chances are if we just strike out blindly, before walking in that person’s shoes for a mile or so we will likely be dead wrong on all accounts.

To avoid judging, gossip, hate etc requires a generosity of spirit. We must learn that generosity for ourselves, once we have been taught. We are rarely raised with such pristine ethics. And when we gain this kindness it is through the effort of changing our habitual tendencies. It takes work, work that few attempt, or stick to. We are afraid to be honest, afraid to open up, to care, we would rather step on others. Many think if they open, soften the heart,  they  will be duped, endangered and a total chump for being “vulnerable.” His Holiness the Dalai Lama says that warm heartedness, compassion, kindness are the basis for all spiritual paths.

Further we are encouraged to note and study the condition of samsara, and the actual suffering of beings. This too, takes courage! “Good grief!” we think. It will spoil my mood! Upset me! However if we do not follow this pith instruction we will have entirely missed the boat on the treasure, result and nectar of the Buddha Dharma. Not to mention the joy of a kinder, gentler world. And we all have that responsibility, not just the chosen few, not just His Holiness the Dalai Lama, but all of us.

I wish we could develop the view of being caretakers of the Planet, like the Native Americans and other indigenous tribal people do. They stay in touch with the natural world and in their own mystical way support and hold it. There is no excuse, no reason behind sitting on one’s duff and being of no help, only “tisk tisking” at everything. What will you give? We must all do what we can. Love and respect all equally and totally. Open the heart and mind so compassion truly pours forth, glorious to see. That will not make you weak or vulnerable or soft. It will make you love, and you will be greatly loved and respected as well. Try it!





Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

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